people who are interested in seeing Global Frequency should email me at my profile addy. scratch that. i'm having issues. will let you know if i solve those issues.
had no idea the "hot coffee" line meant anything other than just that. never change, internet! never change!
We always used having coffee or making coffee as a euphemism for having sex (as in, after the date, asking them in for "coffee")
TNT is going for broke in the new series department--two 10 ep series are in the works, one with Jada Pinkett Smith, and another with Dylan McDermott.
Pinkett Smith has signed on to play Director of Nursing Nancy Hawthorne, "an unsung hero, caregiver and single mother who always puts the pain of others first," the network said.
Leverage is going to be filming in Oregon [link]
Speaking of Leverage, turns out I was able to catch two more episodes On Demand (I just upgraded to digital cable): The Juror #6 Job and The 12-Step Job. I liked both of them and loved Nate "going over the wall" in the second one. Poor noodle really is deep in denial. I also liked that Parker made a friend from the jury. I'm pretty sure we'll never see her again, but it would be fun to hear of Parker meeting her for various dates, coffee of the innocuous kind, for one. Unfortunately, I haven't seen these in order, so I'm not as aware of the inconsistencies in Parker's development as the rest of you, but I do hope that we see more growth from her. Not too much, though, part of her allure is the totally clueless social interaction.
JPS is so cute, but that isn't the sort of role that has her name on it. Too serious and earth-mothery, imo.
Do we talk BBCA here? I want to know if anyone is watching Ashes to Ashes.
I think Life On Mars UK was discussed in Boxed Set, but it's hard to say if it was the better place.
I'll bring it up there, too. I hope I'm not the only one watching, I'm quite enjoying it.
I'm watching it too. Who was the woman who played Alex's mother? She seemed so familiar but I couldn't think of a name.
Do you think that the reason why you see scenes in Ashes to Ashes where Alex is NOT is because she knows all of Sam Tyler's history so she can imagine scenes and situations that would happen even when she isn't directly involved?