Do you think that Patty is really the FBI's final goal?
Their "trust us" mantra is certainly suspicious.
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Do you think that Patty is really the FBI's final goal?
Their "trust us" mantra is certainly suspicious.
And Wes is obsessed with Frobisher.
Oh thank god!
Cool. Because shows are never the same without creator involvement. Whoever's left swears they will be, and yet? Badness.
OK, finally got around to watching the premiere of LEVERAGE and OMG I think I'm in LOVE! You couldn't come up with a scam show with a premise I liked better (i.e. the Robin Hood thing), and I love the cast. Thank doG I didn't give up and delete all the DVRd episodes I have, because I'm SO psyched to see more now.
Plus, I didn't realize Hutton was a New England boy. Added bonus there.
OK just mainlined all but one of the Leverages I had on DVR. I think I'm going to have to finish the last one off because it's JUST THAT GOOD!
I may be ita here. Which is odd, but exciting.
Yeah, okay, I like it too.
Why do I have to keep liking shows with sneaking around?! Sneaking around makes me nervous!
Because being made nervous by a tv show is more controlled than in real life?