Where Captain Jack is involved, I think a lot of people would consider the cookie a second-best substitute for the real thing.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Leverage: Agent Leonard. Agent Elmore. And the whole list of "demands." Hee!
I just watched last week's Leverage, too, and all I can say is: Super Cute!
Yeah, between that and the chupacabras, I think Hardison was channeling Dean Winchester for a bit there.
Also am pleased to report that CK's hair is much better than it was early on. He's pretty smokin' tonight.
Hey - plus Hardison is a Doctor Who fan.
This week's episode was very enjoyable. And I agree about CK's hair. He is breaking the TNT mold.
I also caught the To Live and Die failed pilot on USA. Another caper show BUT dicier because they are assassins. It would have been fun to have that show with their female Q making "girly" weapons but they were so specific.
Hey - plus Hardison is a Doctor Who fan.
That exchange was really funny.
Woot! My complete The Wire arrived yesterday. Now to find the time to actually get through the whole thing. Ah, first world problems...
I am so jealous. Not enough to jack you for them or anything... The teenage boys have an awesome Season4 commentary...It was so good, my mom, who's not really a fan, said that they should get another show together and review movies or something.
I'm very much looking forward to getting to them. But I've been saying that about Battlestar Galactica and I still haven't kicked off that viewing yet.
Not the mention the rest of Dexter, season 2. And the rest of Spaced. And...
Mad Men renewed - I guess I (for some reason) didn't think that this was in question. I thought that the only question was whether Matthew Weiner was coming back too.