SOA: I watch online and don't get the 'next ons'. Can someone hip me to the deets?
I'm so sad.
I've loved Opie and was hopeful that Jax and he could lead Samcro into less Sopranos territory. I could only watch one season of the Sopranos before I had to give up on the uber-dark. But now Opie will go all rogue-revenge and I'm unlikely to be able to hang with the characters I've grown to like much more than I expected to.
Everyone did a great job this week. Excellent performances and direction.
etsy shop with hand-dyed yarns inspired by
Mad Men:
Anybody catch the Shield last night?
etsy shop with hand-dyed yarns inspired by Mad Men:
Funny how everyone seems to see Pete as shades of bright blue. The fan who does the graphic art has Pete in bright turquoise.
Must be. I thought that the Don, Betty and Joan yarns were very good.
I love the Joan yarn the most.
Yeah, before I even saw it, I thought the Betty yarn would be pale blue and yellow.
The Joan yarn is spectacular and the Don is... well, Don.
I did catch the Shield Wolfram. I was not a fan of the show until this season, so I'm an also ran, but I felt it ended the only way it could do. That last scene was as brutally uncomfortable as any of the bloodier scenes in the run, eh?
I've watched
The Shield
off and on over the seasons. Only just watched the finale yesterday. I think at the end we were supposed to see Vic as being in a prison of sorts, but it's nothing compared to what Ronnie is facing, and the more I think on it, the more it seems to me that he has the patience, the mental stamina, and the guile to endure a cubicle job while he regroups and comes up with ways to pursue and find his two real interests -- money and his kids. It won't take him any three years.