Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Did Gloria Steinem publish anything in the early 70s? Her name keeps rattling around the brain pan.
The only other thing that pops up, but for the early 60s is Helen Gurley Brown's "Sex and the Single Girl." Maybe that's what I'm thinking of and put into the 70s. That's when the movie came out.
About Steinem [link]
Political awakening and activism
In 1963, working on an article for Huntington Hartford's Show magazine, she was employed as a Playboy Bunny at the New York Playboy Club. The article featured a photo of Steinem in Bunny uniform and exposed how women were treated at the clubs. The article was a sensation, making Steinem an in-demand writer in the process.[citation needed]
After conducting a series of celebrity interviews, Steinem eventually got a political assignment covering George McGovern's presidential campaign, which led to a position in a New York magazine. Her 1962 article in Esquire magazine about the way in which women are forced to choose between a career and marriage preceded Betty Friedan's book The Feminine Mystique by one year.
Did Gloria Steinam publish anything in the early 70s?
She's never really been as much of a book-publishing figure, but that's definitely her era -- she founded the National Women's Political Caucus in '71 and
magazine in '72.
Ya know, so much happened before the time I actually thought it did. Maybe it's just that I didn't really feel the effects for myself until I was old enough for it to be felt, which was in my teens during the early 70s.
Betty could do lots of stuff outside the home. My mom didn't go back to work until the early 70s, but during our childhoods she took classes, worked for the League of Women Voters and volunteered for various policital campaigns and causes.
One thing that she tells me which the show glosses over a bit is that, yes, lots of women were home all day. However, because they all were home, there was a lot of childcare switching off, so individual women could have time to volunteer or work part-time or go to a matinee or whatever. I know her freinds were a rather smart lot, but it was the suburbs in the '60s and they all had outside interests.
Betty could do lots of stuff outside the home.
She could, but her default life is still "the home," and Don's isn't. She can kick him out, but she can't leave herself, because the kids and house are explicitly her responsibility and not his.
I think you're underestimating Betty's sense of social privilege and entitlement. She doesn't want a job.
We can see that she's bored and restless and unchallenged, but that's not how she perceives her situation or dilemma.
Her problem is that her husband cheats. At least, that's how she sees the problem.
Earlier we saw Joan renounce any ambition in the man's world, but later we saw her hopes crushed when got a taste of that and discovered the satisfactions of the work.
Betty has no glimmer of what would engage her outside her home. It's beyond her set of social expectations and she's only beginning to challenge those.
Betty has no glimmer of what would engage her outside her home. It's beyond her set of social expectations and she's only beginning to challenge those.
It's not just beyond her social expectations, I'd say it's beyond her intellectual expectations, too. Not that I think Betty is stupid, but she doesn't do anything to challenge herself. People with a true intellectual curiosity will seek out the things that challenge them.
People with a true intellectual curiosity will seek out the things that challenge them.
Like Don. Who bothers to read Frank O'Hara, see Antonioni films and chat up the hot rodders.
I was looking over some blogs on the show, and in their episode reviews I had forgotten that Joan started the season being pretty bitchy. Her scornful takedown of Paul, her cluelessness about his girlfriend at the party, putting the copier in Peggy's office, and complete destruction of Lois contrast with where she wound up at the end of the season.
And Pete's character arc has been amazing. His character is one of the most fascinating to me now. VK's really done a spectacular job. You really sense the dim stirrings of a real man in there despite his many limitations.
I'd say it's beyond her intellectual expectations, too. Not that I think Betty is stupid, but she doesn't do anything to challenge herself.
Yet at the same time, at one point (I think it was during the first season?) she was very defensive about her education and intellect, talking about how she'd gone to Bryn Mawr. She didn't want people seeing her just as some bubble-headed housewife.