I thought Don was missing his kids when he saw the other two show up (and gave them his and Joy's room) and was calling his house to talk to them. I should have known that wouldn't be a Don move.
Roger has lost his damned mind.
More Joan, please!
'Conviction (1)'
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
I thought Don was missing his kids when he saw the other two show up (and gave them his and Joy's room) and was calling his house to talk to them. I should have known that wouldn't be a Don move.
Roger has lost his damned mind.
More Joan, please!
More Joan, please!
Joan Holloway Will Have Her Revenge On Sterling Cooper! t /Nirvana
I think it was deliberate. He wants to disappear again, hence waiting until no one was around to make that call.
I meant deliberately defacing the book - I get why he wouldn't want the phone number or address or whatever lying around, but I don't think he even noticed he was tearing out The Last Page Of A Book vs The Nearest Piece Of Paper.
I don't think he even noticed he was tearing out The Last Page Of A Book vs The Nearest Piece Of Paper.
I'll have to go back and watch that scene again-- I think when I first saw it, I was fixating on how easily he'd said his real name and how whoever was on the other end of the line didn't seem to be surprised to hear that name.
I get why he wouldn't want the phone number or address or whatever lying around, but I don't think he even noticed he was tearing out The Last Page Of A Book vs The Nearest Piece Of Paper.
What I thought was kind of contrived was that he obviously opened an address book to look up the number he called. Why not just write the info in there?
Apropos of not much of anything, I think he's going to D.C.
I just went back and rewatched that scene and when it flashed on the page in his hand, I think I caught "Washington DC" scrawled across the page.
On alternate take on tearing out the page, ganked from Jezebel:
Don ripping out last page of book = Don trying to alter the course of his life so that it reaches a different conclusion.
Pshaw. It's Faulkner. Nobody knows what the hell's going on by the time you get to the end anyway.
And Don strikes me as a guy who messes up books. Although I'm not very symbolic generally and haven't thought of it that way before.
Pshaw. It's Faulkner. Nobody knows what the hell's going on by the time you get to the end anyway.
Yeah, I was going to note that Faulkner isn't the type to reveal the murderer on the last page.
It was funny reading the Jezebel blog because they found the Eurotrash nomads to be Freaky and Threatening.
Whereas I was all luxuriating in their Felliniesque decadence.
Just because they drink and fuck and travel and lounge about doesn't mean they're the Manson family!