I wish I had seen the last few episodes before they were postmortumed all over NPR. It would have made my reactions better I think.
I loved the scenes between Peggy and Roger and I loved that Jared Harris directed that episode.
I'm glad Joan is starting her own company instead of just frolicking with her man toy. He's the loser.
I'm glad Trudy and Pete got back together. i think that dinner with his brother was very telling.
One thing has really bothered me about this season: I can't remember how Ken lost his eye. Can someone refresh my memory?
It was an accident with a client, I think.
It was an accident with a client, I think.
Correct. The Detroit car accounts.
Did it happen on screen?
No, we just saw the aftermath and Ken was pissed.
Yeah, I remember something to the effect of "Let's go hunting!" and then cut-to Ken with an eyepatch.
Ah, now I'm starting to remember. I may have to go back and watch it all from the start again. After I rematch all of Fringe and Justified and …
Does anyone watch Ripper Street? It's been a good season so far, but I don't think I like Long Susan being an outright villain.
I haven't seen any of this season yet, but I like the show.
I love the show, but we have to finish last season's Got and then do THIS seasons--then Ripper Street.