So, did she plan the whole thing with Zachariah or did she call an audible when she found out that Vasquez was reneging?
I think the second. I don't think Zachariah is much of a team player, even with family, not in a sustained way.
At this point, I need Art and Rachel (and Tim, but I'm not worried about Tim (although now that I say that maybe I should be) to come out okay. everything else can fall as it may.
Oh, and no harm coming to Loretta, but I have faith in her.
I'm watching the Lizzy Borden show now, and I'm finding the musical selections really distracting.
Mad Men comes back tonight.
I just mainlined last season's Mad Men. The song and dance of Bert Cooper was a wonderful surprise.
Roger's mustache! My dad had the exact same 'stache.
Matt Weiner is evil wrt Rachel.
Better Call Saul, man. I'm hooked.
Vince Gilligan really knows his way around a montage.
Mad Men - I'm watching but I suspect I won't really have anything to say about it until it's over.
That show is so much fun, --t. Love it. I mean, not usually in a heavy analysis way, but I usually laugh.
Yeah. I'm inclined to think that I could go heavy analysis on it if I had the energy. It's very, I don't know, coherent; I think it could take closer examination than I'm really up for. Be that as it may, very much looking forward to more.
I somehow got the idea that the Justified finale was tonight. I don't know if I am more relieved or afraid to find out there's another episode. Punches are not being pulled.