Partly it was the way he said it.
That's a big part of it. Everybody gets great lines on that show, but his delivery is excellent.
Fred ,'Smile Time'
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Partly it was the way he said it.
That's a big part of it. Everybody gets great lines on that show, but his delivery is excellent.
And his expressions.
Totally. That look he gave Walker after Walker said, "Aww, you're kind of a dick" was priceless.
Anyone else watching The Americans? OMG, Elizabeth's tooth..... sympathetic writhing on my part.
It occurs to me that by the time we get to season six, the theme song really fits Raylan. He is on a "lonely road". The only person left who trust him is Bob. Everybody else, including all his police colleagues, his ex, Ava, Boyd know better than to trust him. (Ava has to depend on him, but rightfully does not trust him. I think I'm an ep behind. So I'll find out next week if she survives for the moment).
Also having seen what Boyd got by hiring Zachariah, and remembering previous people he let into his gangs, the question is: "Boyd Crowder, bad HR manager, or Boyd Crowder, worst HR manager ever?"
Also having seen what Boyd got by hiring Zachariah, and remembering previous people he let into his gangs, the question is: "Boyd Crowder, bad HR manager, or Boyd Crowder, worst HR manager ever?"
I gotta assume that was just to get Boyd to trust him implicitly? I can't see why else he'd set Boyd up for a fall and then save him.
I gotta assume that was just to get Boyd to trust him implicitly? I can't see why else he'd set Boyd up for a fall and then save him.
I'm sort of assuming he's planning to let Boyd complete the robbery first, then kill him, and take the money. I mean, even if he wasn't told, he knows damn well there is something at the other end of this abandoned coal mine that makes it a gold mine. His intent is to end up with the gold while Boyd ends up with the shaft.
I was thinking his intent was to kill Boyd but not get himself killed in the process, so when Boyd ended up landing on something and was reachable, he had to put on a show.
Boyd and Ava. Man. I don't even know what I want to happen.
I'm surprised how much I like Winona and Raylan's reunion.
Art making sense of things, always good.
I really don't want Boyd to kill Ava, but I think it could go that way once he knows everything he told Raylan. Of course that would break him completely.
Better Call Saul was really good this week.