Colin Hanks was the guy in Duluth that let Billy Bob go. Is he a sheriff? It seems wrong to me that he's playing a dad. I was sure that scene was not gonna work for me, just for the snippets that were in the ads, but it was really very effective.
Speaking of ads, Louie CK jumping off the bridge.
I saw the Fargo pilot and really liked it. I'm looking forward to seeing where Freeman's character goes, and I'm finding the other characters interesting, too. Frequently in appalling ways, but that's half the fun with the Coen Brothers' stuff.
IRL, Colin Hanks is 36, and has 2 kids.
I'm sorry, that just doesn't seem right.
No, that's not right indeed. But his father had the "looks young for his age" going for a couple decades, too.
Having now watched the Fargo pilot, I am sure that Thornton is actually playing Satan.
I found the first half hour excruciatingly slow, but the rest grabbed me enough to want to watch next week.
Last night's Mad Men episode was soooo good.
Exasperated Joan, Secretary roulette, Melting Down Peggy, Ranty Pants Pete (pure comedy gold), brutal one liners (February 14th - masturbate gloomily) and great Don/Sally interaction.
The end was so wonderful and heartbreaking in a good way. I also loved Pete being schooled by real estate woman--her job is as important as his.
I loved Dawn's little smile at the end when she realized it was HER phone ringing, and not her boss'.