Woah, Vikings got real.
I was totally ready for Lagertha to knife wassname, so that wasn't a surprise, but I didn't expect the earl's own men to turn on him. That was a well-earned death.
Ragnar was absolutely going to get his revenge on Jarl Borg. But I was pretty unhappy about the horrifying death of all of those Kattegat servants trapped in the burning barn with Borg's men.
So did Bjorn sleep with the servant girl whose life he saved and who will now suffer from horrifying survivor's guilt?
Speaking of which, there definitely seemed to be a theme of women and non-consensual relationships this week. Both Siggy and Lagertha were trapped into ugly situations by choices they'd made in the past, and which seemed sensible at the time. Now, not so much. I would be cooler about this if the gender differential wasn't going only one way.
So do Ragnar and Horik head back to England with their reduced forces, or what? And what will happen with Athelstan, anyway? I was pleased to see that someone at least remembers the Romans, although Ecgbert should certainly know that Charlemagne was the Holy Roman Emperor: the existence of the Romans is hardly a secret, even 300+ years after the fall of Rome.