Hadn't Jesse taken the kid away before she set the fire? I feel certain that was the plan.
I'm so uninvested in Burn Notice any more, though, I couldn't guarantee that's what actually happened.
'Life of the Party'
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Hadn't Jesse taken the kid away before she set the fire? I feel certain that was the plan.
I'm so uninvested in Burn Notice any more, though, I couldn't guarantee that's what actually happened.
Jesse and Charlie were sheltering in the bathroom when Madeline triggered the blast. (The house on fire was an ep or two previous - Madeline really did get a disproportionate amount of crap piled on, dang).
I was mostly there out of curiosity, but I was surprised how almost exactly the wrong people died for me by the end. I ended up getting pissier and pissier.
It almost felt like someone had watched Serenity, but learned bad lessons - kill one character so they'll know people can actually die, screw around and pretend that another character(s) died before the "surprise" reveal. Yeah, it was pretty weak - except the way Sam & Jesse ended was kind of awesome.
Hadn't Jesse taken the kid away before she set the fire? I feel certain that was the plan.
Nope. Wrong scene. This was where they set her house on fire. Maddie urged Charlie to go outside and wait for her, and stood there, inside, not checking, while the house was set aflame around her. That's the thing I remember most about the end of the series--that it's a miracle the kid survived.
Didn't Sam & Jesse just keep going with the show's premise? I thought Jesse had some good reveals (like why in hell he puts up with this shit from these people), but I didn't get any awesome off of anything.
Poor Maddie, espousing her guilt at having put her son in that abusive situation shortly before torching the house (and little did we know she'd pay the price of her life), but HER SON SHOULD NEVER HAVE PUT HER IN THIS POSITION. Every time she fucked up and said the wrong thing to the wrong people I wanted to punch Michael in the face. Spend so much time monologuing about how spies are different from us mundanes and throw your aging mother right into the fray year after year, especially now that she's raising your nephew whose father you got killed?
Aaaaaaaa the hotel I'm staying at Sunday night doesn't have AMC. Does iTunes or VuDu get Breaking Bad the next day so I could watch on the plane? I'm not sure my iPad can handle amctv.com because of the flash issue.
You should have thought ahead!
It looks like iTunes gets the episodes pretty quickly, but I haven't tried to download them next day so I don't know for sure. Good luck!
Maybe you can find a bar that's showing Breaking Bad instead of football?
When I used to travel more and actually Stay In Hotels, they often omitted cable channels that I'd consider very basic to the very concept of cable, so I realize how hit & miss it's going to be.
At least it's not for the Finale. (I'm thinking of cancelling cable for budgetary reasons, but not until after "the story concludes.")
Do you need a hook up? Email me if so.
I think I'll be ok - amctv plays fine on the iPad, so I can probably watch it online after the wedding (which will end after the east coast broadcast). Whew!
Well, that was perfect and terrible. I kind of want to hold my breath for the next week.