Two more episodes.
I think I'm still in shock.
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Two more episodes.
I think I'm still in shock.
I think there are only two more.
Eta: and there's still some shit to go down with Skyler and Jesse, I assume, and then there's finding out what happens next year with the ricin and weaponry.
Jesus, that phone call was amazing.
Look upon my works ye mighty and despair indeed.
I think I'm still in shock.
I've been in shock since last week since I figured Hank (and partner) weren't going to make it out of that situation alive. Walt totally eviling up was more of a shocker. But I'm glad he eventually did what he did. He may be completely Heisenberg at this point, but his family still counts.
Yes, I meant to say two. Slip of the keyboard.
I am not ok with Jesse being tortured and imprisoned by Nazis. NOT OKAY AT ALL.
ME NEITHER! (I don't watch Breaking Bad...)
It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye.
Whatever you do, do not change your last name to Pinkman. Fucking sucks to be him right now.
I love the description of this episode on my onscreen guide: "Everyone tries to cope during vastly changed circumstances".
Yes, I really liked that episode description.
I am really going to have to rewatch this episode. Too much stuff happening.
I I love the description of this episode on my onscreen guide: "Everyone tries to cope during vastly changed circumstances"
I just laughed so hard at this I found it hard to breathe.