She is still clinging to her denial.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Mad Men:
Wow! Good episode. I felt sorry for Pete too. And poor Peggy isn't over her denial yet.
I gather from her sister's comments that Peggy was institutionalized for a while? I'm surprised that they kept her job for her.
I believe in the last episode the men in the office said Peggy was away for 6 weeks. I wonder if any of the bosses know the truth.
I know. Six weeks was a long time to be away from work, especially in that era and especially if it was to have a baby. It was long before FMLA and many women just plain didn't have a job to go back to after a baby and had to start over. Presumably, no one knows she had the baby, so I'm dying to know what her excuse was. It coul have been portrayed as an "illness" that could be excused because of recovery time (appendix, something like that.)
Did you notice that the sister was played by the actress who played the family maid in Wonderfalls? The more TV I watch, the more incestuous it gets.
My wife and I noticed. She was on Pushing Daisies, too, we think.
Really? I thought I'd seen her before but I couldn't figure out from where.
So, she was institutionalized because she rejected her baby? I thought (why I interpreted it this way) that she had tried to give the baby up for adoption w/o permission from her parents and the state prevented her from doing that.
So, she was institutionalized because she rejected her baby? I thought (why I interpreted it this way) that she had tried to give the baby up for adoption w/o permission from her parents and the state prevented her from doing that.
She's over 18, so she wouldn't have had to get permission from her parents. I would think that it was more that she had denied that she was pregnant, then refused to acknowledge the baby. In that time, they would have thought that something was wrong with her because every woman wants to be a mother!
Was it over 18 in the 60s? Wouldn't it have been over 21?
In one episode, she said she was 22. I thought that was in the first season, so she would have been well over the age of consent/legal/whatever.
Vortex has it right. Any woman who didn't want a child must be INSANE. The denial didn't help any.
I had friends who, even in the 80s, the Navy wouldn't tie their tubes without a psych eval, because women must want children! It's abnormal not to want children! Argh.