Oh, okay.
Although I must admit I'm not sure how they - running a national campaign for Jaguar wound up trying to cater to a local Jaguar dealer. (At least that's what Jag dude seemed like to me.)
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Oh, okay.
Although I must admit I'm not sure how they - running a national campaign for Jaguar wound up trying to cater to a local Jaguar dealer. (At least that's what Jag dude seemed like to me.)
Although I must admit I'm not sure how they - running a national campaign for Jaguar wound up trying to cater to a local Jaguar dealer.
Herb was the head of the Dealer's Association which was putting up half the money for the campaign along with Jaguar proper (the English guys).
The other question I had was if Jaguar had been retained but they lost Vick's that would have been a bit of a pickle. Don *and* Pete fucked up really badly.
Well, in all fairness to Pete, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. His problem is that he thought that it was MAD as Ken said, it was his wife's father. All bets are off when it comes to his little girl.
Of course, the dad is short sighted in not realizing that in screwing Pete, he's screwing Trudy. He would have been better off forcing them to pull Pete off the account so that people would have realized that Pete did something, but he would still be making money.
Also, Roger has had to smooth things over after Don's actions before. So why they thought it was a good idea not to have Pete along...bizarre.
Maybe Herb doesn't like Pete?
So why they thought it was a good idea not to have Pete along...bizarre.
Herb didn't want Pete there, I think? Roger said something along those lines.
So much cloak&dagger no one telling anyone else what they were doing stuff going on!
Well, in all fairness to Pete, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. His problem is that he thought that it was MAD as Ken said, it was his wife's father. All bets are off when it comes to his little girl.
Which was a nice parallel to earlier when Pete said something to Trudy about sex being the best thing they had together and Trudy pointed out that, no that would be their daughter. I'm not sure Pete really understands why Trudy's father would do what he did. And he didn't seem to have that kind of relationship with his own parents either.
Of course, the dad is short sighted in not realizing that in screwing Pete, he's screwing Trudy.
I'm sure he'd prefer having the marriage ended and Trudy and his granddaughter living at home with him.
That's why he said that Pete "would do the right thing." Which is to say, he knew Pete would tattle on him because that's how Pete is. And he knew that would end the marriage.
Well, in all fairness to Pete, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Well, no fairness to him, if he had gone to his FIL hat in hand and mentioned how much he loved Trudy and offered to have Roger take over the acct, I think his FIL would have reconsidered.
LeN, I think that you're right. But, it's Pete.
These days I kind of cringe any time Don is on-screen. Just not that interesting any more. In the latest one I think it did not help that there was not a ton of chemistry between him and his latest cheatmate. Plus I did not believe him for a minute as a Dom in that relationship. He does not seem to have the charm and charisma any more.
Honestly I think the show would be improved if Don was killed off. Not going to happen. Hamm as star remains a big draw, plus isn't he a co-producer or something? But these these the character of Don Draper is a negative for the show. Not even someone you love to hate like the little shitweasel Pete. With Pete I shake my head and say "you really don't get it". He keeps my interest. With Don I say, "enough with the manpain already". Curious if my reactions are shared...
I did not believe him for a minute as a Dom in that relationship. He does not seem to have the charm and charisma any more.
I thought that was the point. He did something similar with Bobbie Barrett years ago. but Sylvia isn't Bobbie and the Don of today isn't the Don of 8 years ago.
I just went to Sepinwall's column to try and remember Bobbie's name (I figured he'd mention that earlier relationship), and -- no surprise -- he nails what I was feeling about the episode. That it's,
"an episode about history repeating itself, over and over again, with the details slightly altered but the results fundamentally the same. Again and again, characters feel they are in power and that their future will be different than the past; most of the time, they're wrong. Their eyes tell them they're rightside up when they're really upside down."