Heh. I don't even watch that show...nor did I read the article, but the headline made me laugh out loud.
I've learned through osmosis.
Seeing as how I'm woefully far behind else where, I'll avoid nattering through code...
GOOD(onyaforgettingthenew)JOB, scola. Your (successes)LINKS are always good to see.
Someone at Quora ran numbers to estimate the loot in Skylar's locker: 20 to 80 million, with a bank teller in the comments thinking it's closest to 65 million. [link]
Daaaaaaamn. The Czechs pay well.
Someone did a Rick Roll of Mad Men, where the cast speaks the lyrics. [link]
Ha, this seems to be the new YouTube craze. Wonder what's next.
I can't decide whether "Dessert?" for "desert" is cheating. Also, heh, he ran out of "Never"s pretty quickly, and he only had, like, one "gonna."
What's up with Parker's funky crutches.
I don't know, but they look like they might be extra comfortable and maneuverable.
That was so much fun.
Very Zeppo like. Good job Dean!
Very Zeppo like.
I just said the same thing to TCG.
I really liked this episode! Especially the fact that it was entirely centered on two women, and one of them was Indian even though she didn't have to be.