Sis also says that Jesse wasn't supposed to last more than one season
Yep, he was supposed to die, which WHAT.
I'm curious when that would have happened. When he got the shit kicked out of him by Tuco? Earlier in some lab accident or when he got into the fight with his buddy?
From Wikipedia:
Originally, Gilligan wanted Jesse to die in a botched drug deal as a plot device to plague the main protagonist Walter White with guilt. However, Gilligan said by the second episode of the season, he was so impressed with Jesse's character and Aaron Paul's performance that "it became pretty clear early on that would be a huge, colossal mistake, to kill off Jesse".
Very good of him to recognize that!
Very good of him to recognize that!
And damned quickly too! I was never expecting him to be not annoying, but suddenly he was breaking my heart--by the time he picked up that chick in the anon group, I think (the first relationship was way too unhealthy and addiction focussed (ironical much?) for me to dig).
I despise whatever high roller ad they run during the show, because that's so clearly Aaron Paul and not Jesse that it's distracting in the middle of the emotional barrage to see him chillaxing with Puff or whoever's even in it.
Oh, god, that ad is so distracting! For ultra premium vodka, I think? Hate.
It was disorienting when Aaron Paul was on Big Love, too. I think the shows aired on the same night sometimes. Just, whoa, so different.
So tonight's white collar,...with the photo session, and the foursome...
I mean, it's now canon that if Peter has (fake) sex with someone else, Elizabeth wants to watch.
She wants to direct! Choreograph?
She'd cater it. And it would be perfect.