Yeah, I thought that too, -t.
I did find that kind of disappointing, though. If she hears music in anti-theft devices, leave her alone. Everyone doesn't have to orgasm over the same societally approved things. Listen to Hardison jizz over a laser gun and foam cooking.
If she hears music in anti-theft devices, leave her alone. Everyone doesn't have to orgasm over the same societally approved things.
Yeah, that was what confused me. I think -t has the right read, and that makes sense, but the idea that Parker "doesn't know how to like things" is ludicrous. She's clearly passionate about her art, and her art is theft. And not just that, she's also demonstrated a love of jumping off things and dangerous situations in general.
It was her driving to expand her horizons, at least, not anyone telling her she needed to. Though why no one could just tell her that thievery was her thing and that was cool I don't know.
Sophie seemed to understand her.
I will admit, my first thought when she said "teach me to like stuff" was Abed saying "I guess I just like liking things". I don't know what to do with that thought, but I like it.
I will admit, my first thought when she said "teach me to like stuff" was Abed saying "I guess I just like liking things". I don't know what to do with that thought, but I like it.
Which is what led to me re-watching Regional Holiday Music off my DVR - so clearly you're not alone in that connection. I guess we like like liking things about liking things?
::liking things about liking things handshake::
I saw this while wandering around northern MI, and thought of
"It's already in the glass."