I know CK does a lot of his stunts and fighting, I was wondering if that was really him chopping the celery and so forth.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
chopping the celery
Is that code?
Not this time.
What phrase?
"You can't con an honest man"
Drives me batshit, that expression does. The only way to make it true is to define "con" as what you do to dishonest people which is, well, cheating. Or to make it a rule, as in "Don't con honest men".
Hustle says it, but Hustle has also had episodes where they've mistakenly cheated an honest person out of money by lying about the profit said person will realise (the fact that the person is actually honest drives some of the episode's plot--they have to give the money back) as a result of their investment.
Oh, my, Breaking Bad. I don't even know what to say.
"You can't con an honest man"
I think it means - supposedly - that only a dishonest person would be trying to get rich quick, and thus be vulnerable to the con.
I disagree, though. I think an honest person tends to believe other people are also honest (until he's been burned enough times, anyway), and is vulnerable to a con because he's too trusting.
that only a dishonest person would be trying to get rich quick
And since everyone knows that's complete bullshit, why does it keep being said? No, sir, I feel I should work harder for this money--I don't deserve it...
Now, many cons involve doing something shady, and that I get--but the Nigerian email scam doesn't require you to be dishonest, just stupid. Which is still legal in most states.
You can scam people by actually appealing to their softer side.
And since everyone knows that's complete bullshit, why does it keep being said?
I dunno. I guess people want to believe that because they are virtuous, nothing bad will happen to them.
I think it means that a con only works if people want the shortcut that it promises...if you don't want something for nothing at some level, you won't buy in.
Well, and in the context of a show like Hustle, they want us to believe that so we can root for the protagonists. But it's patently untrue, and we have to be content rooting for bad guys or acknowledge the basic complexity of humankind, which is probably too much for an elevator pitch.