I'm liking Suits more and more all the time.
great move by Daniel there at the end
I was a bit disappointed that, given how well everyone else played everyone else this episode, that Harvey didn't see that one coming. I did.
I especially likes the use of Donna this episode. I love the actress and thought she did a great job as the less polished/confident 'civilian.' She has many more freckles outside the office!
While I hated Lewis last season...by design, of course...I'm really enjoying him now. He's odious, but that character has excellent internal consistency.
The mock trial was appropriately squirmy, but I was disappointed by the " Do you love Harvey? " derivative of A Few Good Men . Primarily because I don't think it can go anywhere satisfying and, therefore, will probably be dropped.
I saw the actor playing Daniel Hartman play the EXACT same character on another cable show. And, by exact, I mean same expression, inflections, wardrobe, dialog. I seriously had to check to see if it was a cross-over.
I wonder how he feels about being being typecast as such a limited-use character.
And, seeing Gina Torres play a decisive, incisive lawyer at trial (even mock) is pretty hella cool.
I laughed at the dress lampshade, but I actually look forward to her wardrobe every week. It's a highlight of the show!