::glares at Lee::
Nobody deserves mime Marcel.
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
::glares at Lee::
Nobody deserves mime Marcel.
Nobody deservesmimeMarcel.
Except perhaps Hung. Especially if Marcel is, indeed, Hung's monkey.
Except perhaps Hung. Especially if Marcel is, indeed, Hung's monkey.
::worships victor::
SYTYCD: I had a hard time watching after Nigel "Birthday Boy" Lithgoe's whine about complaints about the last eliminations. Nigel is really starting to annoy me to the point where it's harder for me to even watch the dancers. Which is stupid and a shame, because I thought the dancers did well.
That synchronized swimming doc on PBS: I kept flipping over to this at the ads. I thought it was kind of hysterical. I know it's hard work, and understand that you have to be dedicated, but these people seemed to have no idea that they were talking about synchronized swimming. That one girl who moved away from family and friends and put in 6 hours a day 6 days a week because she wanted a TeamUSA jacket just made me laugh and cry. I mean, do it because you love it, but because you want a jacket? Whoah. And this was the same one who did her solo to Schindler's List. Yikes.
The thought of doing synchronized swimming to Schindler's List makes my brain go huh. Although I once saw a broadcast of a band doing a routine to Philip Glass ... that was kinda surreal.
And just out of curiousity - I missed the documentary - how do you do solo synchronized swimming?
Yes. That was also my question.
I guess the movements are synchronized with the music.
Yeah, and it's that style with the kicking in the air and etc. I went to a synchronized swimming competition one time, and there were solo swimmers there.
Jesse, Are you watching Big Brother?
Of course I am!
Who do you think is going to be booted first?
Does Jessica's voice make you reach for the mute button?
Does Jessica's voice make you reach for the mute button?
Sometimes having a really common name can make one blink.
ION, I am firmly in the "Camille, we hardly knew ye!" camp re: Top Chef. But it sounds like her dish was really awful, so I suppose it's for the best. (Who makes pineapple upside down cake for an haute cuisine tasting menu? And then decides to make it with a frelling CORN MUFFIN?? I mean, seriously.)
DH is Tivoing both Singing Bee and So You Think You Know The Lyrics, or whatever the Fox version is because he needs to watch them for work. I'm embarrassed even having them on the to-do list, but that hasn't stopped me from watching with him.
ALSO, has anyone else seen the Feedback comic that was finally put out for Who Wants To Be A Superhero? D's been keeping me too busy to read more than the first few pages, but oh my GOD it's so bad. It's so bad it's almost good, but mostly it's just bad. Rumor is that it was written by Stan Lee himself, and if that's true all I can say is Stan, stop writing. Stick to reminding people you invented Spider-Man and whoring yourself out for cameos in comic book movies. (Needless to say, I highly recommend seeking this comic book out. It's that bad.)
I totally would have watched Singing Bee if I hadn't already had two shows on at that time!
On Big Brother, I wish it would be Jen (? the cryer) out, but because stupid what's her name didn't use the Veto, I guess it will be Carol. She's up, right?