At one point toward the end, they showed her holding a ladle or something to taste, and her hand was shaking.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
I know she was a bit overbearing and annoying before (with the ridiculous "flowing" hair she was constantly tossing around)
Am not watching HK but this reminds me of something that's been bugging the crap out of me on Top Chef--the women in the opening credits messing with their hair! Don't run your hands through your hair and then fix my food! ew!
Melissa's gotten a few jibes about her hair, which she's been pretty careful of (looks, not food hygiene), but last night she looked like it hadn't been brushed for a good while. I think sending her home might have been the merciful thing to do ... although not good drama.
Melissa was starting to look like one of the wierd sisters from that Scottish Play last night. And if you close your eyes when she's talking she sounds just like Marisa Tomei!
If anyone can turn the guys winning streak around, it's her. She could help them snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
"On the Lot"...
So, I thought the films this week mostly sucked. Unfortunately, my two least favorite directors in the entire competition did okay work, so it is doubtful either one of them will be excused.
The Holiday 2007 collection of Bradley from season 3 of Project Runway.
Aww. I watched some of the PR marathon today. Those S3 kids almost wiped away the mediocrity that was S2. Loved Uli, Michael, Laura, Kayne (sometimes), Alison. I even could appreciate Jeffery, although his design aesthetic was not my cuppa.
Sadly, didn't like Bradley on the show and don't like his line now. But good for him for making it happen. With any luck, they'll soon be selling like bagels.
I wish Bradley luck but that line is so not me. I'm still hoping for Jay to finally have a line in stores. This hope grows dimmer every season.
I'm catching up on the first two episodes of Food Network Star and just saw the Wedding Cake Challenge. It's probably the first food challenge on any of these shows that I actually thought, "Hey, I could've rocked that!" It was a nice change of pace from the usual confusion I feel in the face of foams and ceviche.
If anyone else liked watching the World Series of Pop Culture last summer, the first episode of this summer's competition is available OnDemand (Comcast, that is), and will be shown either this week or next--I can't remember which.
I did like that cake challenge on Next Food Network Star. Then again, I LOVE Ace of Cakes. I could never make any of that stuff, but I bet I could do at least as well as . . . Rory, was it? With the Texas sunrise cake with all the layers of green, red and yellow goo. That was a hot mess.