That was my guess.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Melissa meets Rock - which gives way first? and do they hide the cleavers?
The Melissa thing was so bizarre. I know she was a bit overbearing and annoying before (with the ridiculous "flowing" hair she was constantly tossing around) but last night? She looked and acted like she was on the tail end of a lost weekend. She seemed to be not only sabotaging everything but also suddenly incompetent and seriously unkempt.
I'm fairly new to the world of reality TV but has any contestant on a show ever devolved so far so fast before?
I've said elsewhere that I think she was on too much Red Bull (or related beverage) or was cut off her Red Bull supply.
Her mind seemed pretty cloudy and she just wasn't with it.
Yeah, but she insisted that she be in charge. It was bizarre. I guess she's lucky that Ramsey had the option of not eliminating anybody.
Hmmm. Interesting possibility. Thought I've had caffeine ODs before to the point of shaking. But never to the point of being unable to hold a hairbrush.
ETA: sumi, the part that had my jaw dropping was, during the couple's tasting, how she kept trying, repeatedly, to countermand Ramsey and not serve the duck. It was like crazy town.
At one point toward the end, they showed her holding a ladle or something to taste, and her hand was shaking.
I know she was a bit overbearing and annoying before (with the ridiculous "flowing" hair she was constantly tossing around)
Am not watching HK but this reminds me of something that's been bugging the crap out of me on Top Chef--the women in the opening credits messing with their hair! Don't run your hands through your hair and then fix my food! ew!
Melissa's gotten a few jibes about her hair, which she's been pretty careful of (looks, not food hygiene), but last night she looked like it hadn't been brushed for a good while. I think sending her home might have been the merciful thing to do ... although not good drama.
Melissa was starting to look like one of the wierd sisters from that Scottish Play last night. And if you close your eyes when she's talking she sounds just like Marisa Tomei!
If anyone can turn the guys winning streak around, it's her. She could help them snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.