PR: Christian kinda melted away my annoyance with him today. About the time he was about to break out crying on the runway, I felt some sympathy for him. (Those dramatic pauses must be murder.)
Which is funny, because it didn't annoy me like Ricky crying all the time did.
Ricky didn't cry, he just had a continual leak.
Christian definitely melted me last night. Even though I thought the nearly all black collection was a mistake -- a couple of those jackets-and-skinny-pants combos were almost indistinguishable.
Rami had a lot of pieces I loved, and so did Jillian. I was pleasantly surprised by everyone.
It was a good competition overall.
And next week: TOP CHEF!!! Woo hoo!!
I am kind of irked that no one says Christian's stuff is costume-y -- I mean, that thing that Tim Gunn thought was a skirt WITH that enormous hat??
It's costume but in a totally couture way.
I would have MUCH preferred to have seen Chris' stuff last night than Rami's. MUCH.
And I do agree with the judges that Rami's color-sense is off.
I loved Rami's colors as did my friend who watched with me. Maybe it's my tv?
I cried a lot when Christian won. I love that little guy! And I loved him & Posh together & especially LOVED the shot of her smiling during his show.
No truly outrageous makeovers this year, though I do wonder--they gave SO many of them weaves, but then they don't seem to help keep them up, so the girls just start looking RAGGEDY after a few weeks...though sometimes the girls with dye jobs end up with ugly roots, too.
The makeovers were disappointing. No girls crying because their long hair is getting cut??? That's my favorite ANTM trope!
Paulina said the same thing I did about Dominique's haircut. Why did they do something that made her look even older?!
Man I was glad to see that rascist annoying girl get her comeuppance but quick. Although I would have loved to see her get beat down a little more by the process.
The makeovers were disappointing. No girls crying because their long hair is getting cut??? That's my favorite ANTM trope!
They did make Fabio Frankie cut his hair on Supermodel last week.
They did make Fabio cut his hair on Supermodel last week
hee! I loved that. I don't think he cried though and he was happy with it after.
speaking of ... OMG did anybody see the Supermodel promo???
Please make Brooke go home tomorrow.
I don't love her, but I'll take her over any of the other blondes. I sincerely hope Asia'h and Kristy are the ones to go. Kady wasn't great last night, but I liked the Highlander song choice.
...I've never been to Hawaii. Do many people there speak with strange "I sound kind of deaf" accents
I don't watch the show, but I did notice strange (to me) accents when I was there in November. Many people sounded like they were from Minnesota--which doesn't make sense, but that's the closest match I can think of to what I was hearing.
PR: Christian kinda melted away my annoyance with him today. About the time he was about to break out crying on the runway, I felt some sympathy for him. (Those dramatic pauses must be murder.)
Which is funny, because it didn't annoy me like Ricky crying all the time did.
Probably because he (ETA: Christian) didn't do it all the time.
Even though I thought the nearly all black collection was a mistake -- a couple of those jackets-and-skinny-pants combos were almost indistinguishable.
I agree and think that Michael Kors' point about not being able to see the work detail when it's in black was interesting. I hated the brown he used though so I'm not sure I would have been happy if he used more "color".
I would have MUCH preferred to have seen Chris' stuff last night than Rami's. MUCH.
Although I would have loved to see Chris's stuff on the runway, I was pleasantly surprised by Rami. The woven stuff was gorgeous.
I loved Rami's colors as did my friend who watched with me. Maybe it's my tv?
I don't know. I personally didn't like the blue, but it was a metallic sort of blue that I thought matched the other metallics quite well. The red was a beautiful red, but I don't think it went with the other colors.
Many people sounded like they were from Minnesota--which doesn't make sense, but that's the closest match I can think of to what I was hearing.
It's the lilting, the ending phrases on an up-note thing that mid-westerners do. Anya has that a little bit but to me she really sounds like she's hearing-impaired.