This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
No Top Model discussion? I'm loving Claire, even though I don't love the platinum hair (so rarely do the girls look better with platinum!) Partly just loved the sexy sexy outfit they put her in.
No truly outrageous makeovers this year, though I do wonder--they gave SO many of them weaves, but then they don't seem to help keep them up, so the girls just start looking RAGGEDY after a few weeks...though sometimes the girls with dye jobs end up with ugly roots, too.
I was glad they sent the annoying girl home. Though a few others need to go too. And does that one smushy faced black girl seem a little special ed to anyone else? Though I have NO idea what's up with Anya's accent--was she not raised in the US? Please tell me there's a reason.
She's Hawaiian. So there's a reason- it's just not a good one.
...I've never been to Hawaii. Do many people there speak with strange "I sound kind of deaf" accents?
I haven't either. The only linguistic weirdness I know of in Hawaii is the speaking in pidgin that only Hawaiians supposedly understand- but I have no idea if its supposed to be accented or if she's just crazy. It's Top Model, so probably the latter. I'm glad the bratty one got sent home too, although she reminded me of someone working for me who is being completely useless and it was more socially acceptable to yell at my tv than my co-worker.
I'm surprised it's so quiet in here- this is the first place I came after PR and ANTM.
Yeah, that was a great collection. Not for me, but for FASHION.
Yeah, I thought it was definitely the most effective. The one thing that bugged me, the judges pinpointed -- enough black and cream. Use some colors.
But really, he's too cute. "I am going to take a VAY-CAY."
PR: Christian kinda melted away my annoyance with him today. About the time he was about to break out crying on the runway, I felt some sympathy for him. (Those dramatic pauses must be murder.)
Which is funny, because it didn't annoy me like Ricky crying all the time did.
Ricky didn't cry, he just had a continual leak.
Christian definitely melted me last night. Even though I thought the nearly all black collection was a mistake -- a couple of those jackets-and-skinny-pants combos were almost indistinguishable.
Rami had a lot of pieces I loved, and so did Jillian. I was pleasantly surprised by everyone.
It was a good competition overall.
And next week: TOP CHEF!!! Woo hoo!!
I am kind of irked that no one says Christian's stuff is costume-y -- I mean, that thing that Tim Gunn thought was a skirt WITH that enormous hat??
It's costume but in a totally couture way.
I would have MUCH preferred to have seen Chris' stuff last night than Rami's. MUCH.