I loved it, but I do agree that "Spinning Wheel" is always better with a little growl.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Pretty voice, but nothing that stood out for me. It seemed like a singing lesson, not a performance.
Now, Asia'h had the voice for that song. Started out a little hard to understand, but really rocked it out.
Good voice, less than stellar arrangement.
Straight out of the gate with that one! I'm impressed.
Why did they have to save Carly for last? ::growls::
Her breathing was a little off, but with the nasty ick going around, I'm not about to hammer her for it. But, I'm more partial to Simon's analysis than Randy's, that's for sure.
So, I'm baffled by the girls night. They were at once not as bad as the boys and more disappointing because there's way more real talent there. I'm gonna chalk it up to the ick. And bouyed by knowing that I could be amongst my peeps, I took notes again.
Top 3
Amanda Overmyer –
I enjoy this one. She needs a make over right damn now. Ha. She funny. Ok, so the song seems very low for her. I wish she’d bring it up just a skosh. And stop rock-scatting, or whatever that is. I liked the scream-part at the end. She’s fun. Have no idea what the song is called, but I liked it. (And I totally feel Simon on the rock-scatting. I don’t care if that’s how the song goes, it was weird.)
Brooke White – Happy Together
Love this girl. Let’s hope she doesn’t disappoint. This song again? Well, on pitch at least. Good show for this crowd. Yep, still like her. She’s kinda quirky cool and she knows what she’s working with. She’s not a belter and she doesn’t try to be. She seems really in command of her instrument. And finally a little animation, a little color. And she’s not dressed like an escapee from a mental institution. Wow, an actual cogent point from Paula.
Alexandrea Lushington – Spinning Wheel
Uh oh! Work it out girl. Ok, she is fantastic!! And, she’s beautiful. Great goggly moogly! I did not know she had it like this. She turned it the hell out. Finally, a great performance. She’s soooo cute. I love her. Love her. Totally disagree with Simon, here. Could not disagree more. I think she’s adorable. OMG. With the Ryan mimick. So much fun. She might even get a little EEEE. Just a little.
Bottom 3
Kristy Cook – Rescue Me
Amazing Grace repeat-o girl. She is not nearly as good as the judges seem to think. But she’s cute and blond and wholesome, maybe? She’s like a blander Carrie (if that’s even possible). Oh goodness, and she really can’t sing anything other than Amazing Grace, can she? With that thin little voice, why would she ever choose this song? You need to be able to wail to pull this off. Her voice is not horrible, just really thin and . . . white. No soul. Make it stop. And you can see her dying to pull out the stripper moves again. And what is with the 16 counts of “Mmm hmm”? That was bad. OMG, Paula! Shut it! It’s not OK to suck! And once again, Simon is right. Love ya, you stanky Brit.
Joann Barella - Say a Little Prayer
I don’t even know what to say. When the bridesmaids from My Best Friend’s Wedding sing it better, there’s really not a lot lower you can go. What is with these thin, reedy little voices? Let’s see if Randy busts out the pitchy again, because I think she was on key about two times during the whole song. And that last note. Again? Don’t go for the glory note if you can’t make it. And judges, let go of the nervous excuse. They are competing to be professionals. Thank you, Simon. Sing it, sister! OMG, homegirl’s parents looked like they were ready to kick Simon in his ass. Ok, Simon’s last comment was kind of a dick move. I would be sad, too, though if 14 performers in, all I had heard was a handful of singers above mediocre and a load of other crap
Amy Davis – Where the Boys Are
Trade show model? Wooooow. I love the songs that this girl picked during the audition rounds, but I get the sneaking suspicion that she can’t actually sing. And my suspicion is confirmed. At least hit your first note. And she is sliding into the key. Interesting strategy. Start off key and then just hold the note until you find it. And really, WTF on the song choice. This is what you grab from 60’s night? Was anything in that song on key? Eww, now I’m agreeing with Randy. Why are you taking me to the bad place, show? Oh, Paula. “The camera loves you?” That’s like telling someone “You have such a pretty face.”
The rest of these girls weren't terrible and some of them were even kinda good. Definitely did better than the boys. But still, very weak (continued...)
( continues...) opening for AI.
Dammit! Over again. Ok, so now I get to say that I liked Alaina and I also liked Kady and thought she was not nearly as bad as the judges made her out to be. And I was sad that the judges made her cry. (And I also enjoyed that the family once again looked ready to whoop ass!). I like Asia (and I refuse to get down with the crazy name spelling. Stop doing that black parents!) but I did not think it was a great song choice for her. She has a good voice but lacked the earthiness in her voice to really sell that song for me. Ramiele didn't sing the song as well as Jordan did last season (which is a sad comment on the state of AI). Syesha and Carly need to stop shouting at me and then I'll be happier with them.
What I heard of Amanda in the recap, I was not impressed. At all. We also saw last season that scat doesn't last and makeover? Yeah, lots and lots to make over there. I'm willing to give her a whole song, though, so she better bring it next week.