This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
( continues...) opening for AI.
Dammit! Over again. Ok, so now I get to say that I liked Alaina and I also liked Kady and thought she was not nearly as bad as the judges made her out to be. And I was sad that the judges made her cry. (And I also enjoyed that the family once again looked ready to whoop ass!). I like Asia (and I refuse to get down with the crazy name spelling. Stop doing that black parents!) but I did not think it was a great song choice for her. She has a good voice but lacked the earthiness in her voice to really sell that song for me. Ramiele didn't sing the song as well as Jordan did last season (which is a sad comment on the state of AI). Syesha and Carly need to stop shouting at me and then I'll be happier with them.
What I heard of Amanda in the recap, I was not impressed. At all. We also saw last season that scat doesn't last and makeover? Yeah, lots and lots to make over there. I'm willing to give her a whole song, though, so she better bring it next week.
Amanda doesn't need a makeover! She's awesome!
::clings to curvy, cute rock chick tightly::
But Amy, the woman's hair is a fucking wreck.
Aw. I like it! I mean, I wouldn't wear it that way *myself* but I think it's cute for her.
I may be blindly in love. Ignore me.
You're quite entitled to your girlcrush, Amy. Doesn't mean we don't reserve the right to mock you it.
Mock away!
The Project Runway reunion/clip show is actually pretty entertaining. I swear, I love Tim Gunn like cake.
I am SHOCKED about the Project Runway fan favorite. SHOCKED.
Although I was reading stuff earlier about the myspace, etc., crowd with the voting, so.
It shocked me, too, Jesse. For what it's worth, the winner seemed startled as well.