I think it speaks as much to the point I read on Project Rungay (?) about Victorya's dress being right on the current trend.
The other thing I really note is how much Victorya hates boobs! She's always binding them down. Yuck.
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
I think it speaks as much to the point I read on Project Rungay (?) about Victorya's dress being right on the current trend.
The other thing I really note is how much Victorya hates boobs! She's always binding them down. Yuck.
Though Jillian had some sort of weird nipple-clamping effect on her dress this time that was even worse.
Jillian is hopeless about fitting tops - her bodices always look weirdly detached from her models.
I loved watching last night's TAR! Biggest laugh was seeing Nick and Don get sick of listening to Jennifer bitch and decide to sit next to TK and Rachel instead.
Biggest laugh was seeing Nick and Don get sick of listening to Jennifer bitch and decide to sit next to TK and Rachel instead.
That was awesome!!!
man, she was irritating. But! She kind of reminded me (physically) of a rollergirl I know and now I REALLY REALLY want to see a rollergirl team in an upcoming season. I'm going to try to get a few of my faves here to apply.
bwah! I was just invited to an event where there will be an appearance by newest ANTM Saleisha. Unfortunately I'll be out of town. blast.
Speaking of Saleisha, have we talked here about the Make Me A Supermodel show? So far, I like it -- I like that they have the creepy agency guy there saying that if you have any visible flesh (and you're a woman), you need to lose weight. Not that it's right, but at least it's honest.
Anyway, it cracked me up how much shit they gave the woman with the short bob with bangs, about how limiting a look it is.
I'm enjoying Make Me A Supermodel, so far, but given that they're letting the viewers decide--is that really the way to end up with someone model-y? I mean, I guess in theory they just have to have the ones they start with all have potential, but...
I like PrisonGuard boy. He's adorable. And wore the thong.
And I thought it was ridiculous that they harped on that girl's hair--(a) it makes her stand out, (b) it fits her quirky style and (c) SO EASILY CHANGED.
I love Holly and her bangs. Nothing like Saleisha and the ugly, Tootie hair.
I am liking Supermodel, mainly because most of the kids on the show actually look like . . . models. I mean they look like they could work somebody's print ad or runway show right now (for some of them) or at least some day. Makes me wonder even more where Tyra digs up some of the doozy girls she puts on ANTM. I don't think any of these kids will be supermodels, but I do at least believe that some of them could be working models.
Still happy over last night's TAR. And AI starts tomorrow. I am hoping there will be much less blatant baiting of the physically/mentally challenged during this year's audition season.
Yayyy, TAR! I was so happy that the SO thought I was watching the finale. I was just, no, it's just that my three favorite teams made it to the finale. I will finally get to just enjoy the last show!
I'm totally rooting for Nick & Don. Dude, they got tats. They deserve to win. But I will be happy regardless.
I am also watching MMaSM, but only because they show it umpteenbillion times like every Bravo show. I haven't set a pass for it yet. (I did for American Gladiators, because who doesn't love a good Giant Q-tip battle.) It's fun so far, but somehow more joyless than either the campy good fun that is PR or TC, or even Tyra's show.
PrisonGuard dude needs to win now, because he can never go back to being a prison guard after wearing all pink and a thong in one episode. I love Holly's hair and think it is way more versatile than the long mop that seems to be the standard. At least it's easier to stuff in a wig cap.
Still not watching AI, and a lot has to do with the baiting. Hate that.