This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Clearly she knows how to drive but she doesn't like it and so avoids it wherever possible. (I mean, they wouldn't allow somebody who couldn't drive at all to do that task, would they?)
Farmer's Wife - new CW reality show. It looks like what they wish Smallville actually was about.
Well people could get around it. They could be like me, with a legal driver's license, but having had little actual driving experience.
That's me, too. But I know people who don't even have licenses.
Okay, I am pretty grumpy about this, I admit it, but I really despise TAR non-elim penalties. I think it is just fucked up. Having to do an extra task or lose $$ just puts a team at a particular disadvantage when they already came in last.
Why don't they allot some legs to last two pit stops? Why are penalties necessary?
Did anyone here watch "Shear Genuius?" Remember Tabitha - the white-haired, direct (kind of mean) Aussie? Well, Bravo is giving her her own show:
Why don't they allot some legs to last two pit stops?
They have had some "To be continued" legs in the past where the last team doesn't get a penalty and Phil just tells them, "Keep racing, suckas!" (Although they haven't had any this race yet) IMHO, if you are going to do non-elim legs that are not TBC, I wanna see some kind of penalty for coming in last. And of all the ridic crap that they've tried (the Phil mugging, the horrible 30 minute penalty of death hanging over your head if you don't finish first), the Speed Bump is BY FAR the best penalty they've come up with. It is serious enough to pose some problems for the racers (unlike the Phil mugging which never amounted to anything more than highly undignified begging), but not insurmountable (as we saw with Kent and Vixen - they got eliminated due to their own error in judgement).
Tabitha was one of the few bright spots on Shear Genius, but I can't imagine that I'd enjoy watching a whole show about her.
ION, I watched Dance Wars tonight. I couldn't help myself. And it was bad. Soooo bad. Worse than I even imagined. It ended with J. Lo. Badly sung, badly danced J. Lo. That's just . . . no.
Did anyone here watch "Shear Genuius?" Remember Tabitha - the white-haired, direct (kind of mean) Aussie? Well, Bravo is giving her her own show:
oh man! I can just imagine her coming in to try to redo my friend's (keeerazy hairdresser) shop and the bloodshed that would ensue. Highly entertaining.
I just read over on TWOP that Nick is Robbie Fulks son. . . or possibly stepson.
TV Guide interviews Anthony Bourdain -- I can't believe I forgot to watch last night!
Wow, he quit smoking. Is it the apocalypse or something? Also love his comment comparing Guy Fleuri to Poochie.
"The original dog from HELL!"
"You mean Cerberus?"