I just read over on TWOP that Nick is Robbie Fulks son. . . or possibly stepson.
'War Stories'
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
TV Guide interviews Anthony Bourdain -- I can't believe I forgot to watch last night!
Wow, he quit smoking. Is it the apocalypse or something? Also love his comment comparing Guy Fleuri to Poochie.
"The original dog from HELL!"
"You mean Cerberus?"
Hey, stop hating on Guy! I actually like his stuff, and think he's a good guy. He doesn't take himself too seriously. The hair, though, oh, the hair.
Oh, I'm not hating on Guy, just loving on that Simpsons episode.
I am very annoyed by PR tonight. That was completely a producer decision, that was not about the dresses. Christian's dress was a hot mess. Yes, he had a difficult client, yes, she wanted something horrible, but it was up to him to make it work. The dress was too short in the back because he wasn't even smart enough to compensate for the ass factor. I'm not saying that Kevin's dress was at all good (though I think that her looking older was a function of the hair as well as the dress. Her hair should have been down.) kevin's dress was not good, but it did not make me physically recoil like christian's did.
Well, when they basically said that it was (another) taste issue on Kevin's part, I figured that was it for him. (Although Christian has had attitude problems more than once.)
The dress was too short in the back because he wasn't even smart enough to compensate for the ass factor.
Yeah, that was a pure design/construction fuck-up, nothing to do with they style of the dress. But as soon as you saw who the bottom three were, you knew Kevin was done for.
And only a top two? Chris could easily have been up there too, I thought - his dress was really pretty, and looked like it was really well made. I don't know if they were trying to make a point or what.
I'm going to start a drinking game with one rule: drink when Ricky is NOT crying. Oh, Ricky.