or that they had to live with the jury members after being voted off.
Oooh. That could be fun! I agree that they need to shake things up some. The immunity idol hardly ever pays off. (Hi, Terry. I'm talking to you!)
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
or that they had to live with the jury members after being voted off.
Oooh. That could be fun! I agree that they need to shake things up some. The immunity idol hardly ever pays off. (Hi, Terry. I'm talking to you!)
Is anyone watching the Clash of the Choirs show?
Ooh, no, but I meant to. Is it any good?
Did anyone else watch America's Next Great Band? We've been kvetching about it at the music store for its whole run. It conveniently aired on Friday nights before our Saturday morning lessons.
I watched Clash of the Choirs. It was too much filler for me, but the four choirs were actually not bad. Patty's choir blew the other ones out of the water, though. They broke it the hell on down.
The "judging" was less than useless.
On the whole, I am bitter that this is taking my Heroes timeslot.
The judging was useless, and I really think the competition is going to come down to "which charity pulls the American heartstrings the most." I mean... sick babies! homeless people! cancer victims! battered women! soldiers and their families! It's tug-a-palooza.
I was least impressed with Lachey's choir. I thought Shelton's was surprisingly good, and Rowland's was ok. At this point, though, Bolton's choir is my favorite. I don't know if it's just the particular arrangement, but I thought theirs was both the most aurally interesting and the most "choir"-like. I can't deny that Patty's choir broke it down like a fraction, but much like fractions, there was nothing there I haven't seen before. A pair of strong sopranos and not much for everyone else to do does not a choir make.
ION, I can't even believe I care this much.
Well, I wasn't expecting Patty's choir to be other than a fairly strong church choir, which is usually a couple of really strong sopranos and other folks who can carry a tune. It was all very Patty-fied.
I thought Nick's was by far the weakest choir, too.
It was all very Patty-fied.
This = very true. They weren't terrible, by any stretch. I'm just... a choir nerd. They all had very different vibes, which made it hard for me to pick a favorite.
I'm predicting Lachey's will go tonight.
I didn't see it, except for the two-minute summation before Journeyman came on, but the whole thing was vastly outside any experience I've ever had in a choir. Unsurprisingly.
It's like Sister Act 2 (Nun Whoopi builds a choir out of poor inner-city kids including Lauryn Hill and JLoHew), where they go to a state choir competition and there are spotlights and gospel robes and a ceremonial butchering of "Ode to Joy."
Clash of the Choirs: I'm still unimpressed by Team LaBelle. I mean, yeah, they break it down, but.... @@.
I didn't watch tonight. I really tried but there was just waaaayyy too much filler. Bleagh. Was there more than ten minutes of actual singing in that hour? Whose choir got kicked off?