This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
I actually really like Chris' dress. But, then, I am kind of campy and costumey. Not right now, though. I am cords and cardi-y!
Replace the red with either the blue of the top or another, complementary blue and I think he would have had something. The red was just off.
I think that red dress was a total cop out. Okay, it's a nice dress. If the challenge had been "make a nice dress" they all would have had an easier time of it. And I agree that it didn't seem too well fitted.
Loved Tim and his 3AM bad decisions.
Jillian had immunity and I think she abused the privilege.
Did Chris get to shop at Mood? Or, did he just have the stuff that Jack was planning on working with? Because I thought that the red was what Jack had bought. (But you are right - a color that wasn't red would have been better.)
. But given that it was an oversized jumble of disparate parts, he was unable to defend the hot mess.
oh, Tim, how I've missed your take.
Jesus -- Survivor and Big Brother starting in February. Does that mean they'd be showing scripted shows over the summer, you think?
Oh Jesse. Your optimism is endearing.
I'm ok with the Survivor winner (whitefonted to prevent the "read new" surprise!).
Even though Todd was not as good a player as he thinks he is, I admire any player who has a hand in a lot of people being voted out who can still win-- the anti-under-the-radar strategy. Courtney performed surprisingly well at Tribal Council, even if there's a lot of retconning going on about her role in the game. Amanda could have won had she been better at tribal. I had thought that being a beauty queen would have meant she would be better prepared, but clearly she wasn't.
Next year?
sounds like it could be good, but it's usually the opposite-- All-Stars sounded like it could be good but sucked, race wars was an awesome season. But ultimately I want a season where people frickin *strategize* and hopefully that happens in Fans v. Favorites.
I don't really like Todd, and I don't think he played the game as well as he thought, but from day 1 he was playing to win and I respect that. I really didn't get Denise playing for 4th, but what Burnett did was really cool.
Oh Jesse. Your optimism is endearing.
Heh. I'm just trying to think out the logistics. Could summer programming actually be WORSE than Big Brother?? And I love Big Brother.
I was in the ABC (anyone but Courtney) camp with this season. I thought Todd deserved to win, ESPECIALLY after the way he handled the jury. Very well-played by him, and he stole it form Amanda, who should not have played the Nice Girl card, after not acting like a nice girl during the game. Better if she had been more honest about her game-playing and mentioned her physicality and dedication during challenges.
I liked this season a lot and thought it was one of the best.