I will miss Steven's interviews, but I am not interested in the rest of his designs if he can't think of a single thing to do with a bunch of wedding dress fabric. Come on!
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Kat, Saleishia won. Not that I was surprised AT ALL by that. Most boring useless season EVER.
But then my friends and I watched "Crowned", the mother/daughter pageant show, and it was soooooo much trashy fun!! Because half of them are crazy, the other half are clueless, and we got to rag on them so hard! They had to pick names for their teams, and one group (who said their advantage was that Mom has a PhD) picked the name "Silent But Deadly". And apparently DIDN'T think of farts?? And Carson (from Queer Eye) is one of the judges. The judges were pretty fun.
ANTM: The season that I could easily have ignored. The winner was pretty evident fairly early on. Not even a really good catfight. sigh.
I loved, loved Christian's outfit and I'm really glad he won. I even thought his little ass comment to his model was cute. Totally agreed that Steve was the one to go. Even if the dress hadn't been glued all to hell, it still looked like ass. I actually didn't care for Kevin's outfit, but then I am morally opposed to leggings. And I would've put Rami's outfit in the top 3 instead of the red dress of almost-cheating. I liked this challenge
These are exactly my opinions!! Thanks, Kat P!
I actually really like Chris' dress. But, then, I am kind of campy and costumey. Not right now, though. I am cords and cardi-y!
I passed out the names of the top 3 ANTM contestants on pieces of paper at our get together (conveniently of 3 people) so that we could try to work up some enthusiasm for the girls. You know, giving each person someone to root for? It didn't work. There was no way Tootie aka Camp T-Zone camper wasn't going to win. @@, indeed.
We did like Chantel tripping the poor stilts guy and watched that a bunch of times. As well as Miss J's expando-fro.
Crowned was a trainwreck. I don't think I could watch it on my own but it was funny with friends. What about the mom who would only eat "burger meat" and chips??? I woke up mad about that this morning. And the girl from DE with the mom who was MY age???? My other DE native friend and I are dying to know what high school the mom went to. It's a small place, you know, we probably knew her or people she knows.
Okay, I'm caught up on PRC: wow. I feel like Lucian was so weak in episode 9 that my feeling that he, Biddell and Marie Genevieve were the top 3 is shaken. But Stephen just isn't that strong.
PR: I liked Chris' dress too. I'm glad to have him back, but will really miss Jack. You don't wanna mess around with health, though.
I think the red dress was totally cheating. It was such an emotional piece to have the actual old dress incorporated into your new outfit, I think it was a total copout. Work with the material, people! And that goes double for Steve's. See ya'. "I don't do polyester?" What are you going to do when you're handed, say, garbage?
I wasn't thrilled with Christian's comments throughout, seemed like maybe they were belying an attitude I don't like. But his model was laughing, at least, so hopefully that particular comment was okay.
OMG I loved the naughty Tim jokes. That's the stuff that makes me adore him so much. He's all collected and mentor, but can totally break down and get flustered and laugh genuinely. I admire that.
I wasn't thrilled with Christian's comments throughout, seemed like maybe they were belying an attitude I don't like. But his model was laughing, at least, so hopefully that particular comment was okay.
You know he's worked in a hair salon for years and I bet he's built up a sassy with the lady clients personality. And he REALLY listened to his client and did exactly what she wanted without compromising his vision.
Chris is back? I've never been so delightfully happy to be spoiled!
Right. And in the end, his outfit was really cute and she clearly really liked it. So it's a win for me.
Yeah, I wasn't offended by Christian last night because it seemed so clearly to be lovingly teasing (and the model seemed to be laughing with him - not the nervous/embarrassed CYA laugh). Besides, nothing he said last night was nearly as offensive as the "Asians are fierce" comment when Tiki's wife appeared. Last night was a step up for him. AND he got Tim to say "fierce" which is just gold!
The less said about ANTM the better. Tootie? Oh, the humanity.