This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Yeah, I wasn't offended by Christian last night because it seemed so clearly to be lovingly teasing (and the model seemed to be laughing with him - not the nervous/embarrassed CYA laugh). Besides, nothing he said last night was nearly as offensive as the "Asians are fierce" comment when Tiki's wife appeared. Last night was a step up for him. AND he got Tim to say "fierce" which is just gold!
The less said about ANTM the better. Tootie? Oh, the humanity.
Besides, nothing he said last night was nearly as offensive as the "Asians are fierce" comment when Tiki's wife appeared.
Yeah. Don't get me started.
Yeah, the people on Crowned are mad freaky, but it was much fun to watch with friends. I was sad at who they sent home--I thought those ladies were pretty, and much classier than the blondes. But oh, the big enormo bedazzled scissors!! Fabulous!
Ooh, Episode 10 of PRC is up!
"Uncle Nick" reworks that wedding dress in his blog.
Darn it. Episode 10 isn't all up yet.
"Uncle Nick" reworks that wedding dress in his blog.
That is SO much better. I mean, it would still be made out of white satin poly but at least he tried!
TV Guide interviews PR's Jack. (He totally looks like Jim Carrey in the picture on the page.)
I think the wedding dress material should have been used for a blouse with some other something for a skirt.
Or vice-versa. But I've been reading many, many PR fans ideas for it and it's absolutely clear that Stephen just blocked himself by his strong objection to the material and to the original garment. (IOW, he was an idiot.)