ANTM: @@
Anya ,'Sleeper'
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Steve really blew it. It was definitely time for him to go.
I forgive Chris for being costumey because he had so little sleep or time.
Oh, poor Jack! Oh, well, he got a super-fantastic boyfriend out of the whole experience and that's really the best prize!
I loved, loved Christian's outfit and I'm really glad he won. I even thought his little ass comment to his model was cute. Totally agreed that Steve was the one to go. Even if the dress hadn't been glued all to hell, it still looked like ass. I actually didn't care for Kevin's outfit, but then I am morally opposed to leggings. And I would've put Rami's outfit in the top 3 instead of the red dress of almost-cheating. I liked this challenge.
And Tim was too adorable in this epi. I would pay good money to just sit around and watch him call stuff fierce over and over and over. And then he could make naughty jokes. Hee! Love Tim!
Tim was adorable!
And I thought that Rami's outfit should have been in the top 3 too. Plus, his model totally got into the whole thing.
This was a much better "Every Day Woman" challenge than the one in season 3.
totally agree Jesse. I actually believe that the CG contract and 17 covers are kinda at odds with a high end editorial top model.
This was a much better "Every Day Woman" challenge than the one in season 3.
Ain't it the truth. And nobody's mother was made to cry or made to try to defend the indefensible action's of her son (who was being an asshole no matter how annoying or untalented the crying mom's designer was). Much more pleasant all the way round. And aside from the actual bottom three, I didn't think any of the designs were all that bad. Ricky's design was a little bit Wet Seal tacky, but at least it was well finished and it fit well.
ETA: Who won ANTM? I missed it. Had to go to my company's holiday party. Joy.
grrr. I turned on my tv, which was still on Bravo, just as they were announcing the winner. feh, now I know!
I will miss Steven's interviews, but I am not interested in the rest of his designs if he can't think of a single thing to do with a bunch of wedding dress fabric. Come on!
Kat, Saleishia won. Not that I was surprised AT ALL by that. Most boring useless season EVER.
But then my friends and I watched "Crowned", the mother/daughter pageant show, and it was soooooo much trashy fun!! Because half of them are crazy, the other half are clueless, and we got to rag on them so hard! They had to pick names for their teams, and one group (who said their advantage was that Mom has a PhD) picked the name "Silent But Deadly". And apparently DIDN'T think of farts?? And Carson (from Queer Eye) is one of the judges. The judges were pretty fun.
ANTM: The season that I could easily have ignored. The winner was pretty evident fairly early on. Not even a really good catfight. sigh.