I discovered I had much stronger feelings about certain American Idol contestants than I thought I did.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Those AI cuts were brutal and incomprehensible. So many non-singing teens got through. Why? I am over here weeping for Jessica Cabral and Collette Lusher. JLo and Harry love them some 15 year olds. I can't.
I watched some of the top 24 performances on vevo and it was interesting to see that vs what they showed. I wish they had shown everything so I could see why they didn't pick some.
I didn't remember Collette but I was surprised by Jessica.
Really didn't care which of the last two guys got through but I coudln't believe they left La'porsha for last. She's one of my favorites and then I watched her performance on vevo and it was so much better than the edit.
My other favorite is Jeneve. She's an odd ball I know but her voice is beautiful and I really like what she did with Ring of Fire.
Whats hername from Panama City. I understand why they cut her, she's not ready but she was so easy on stage and I think that if there were more seasons they'd tell her to come back.
The guys are really weak this year. They are clearly pushing for a girl winner to bookend Kelly's win in year one. We'll see how that goes.
The final girl's pairing with La'Porsha had zero suspense. They've been highlighting La'Porsha from day one and she is an amazing singer, so there was no way she wasn't going through. That said, I don't think La'Porsha can win, but I will enjoy her performances until she goes out before her time, probably somewhere around top 8.
I enjoy Jeneve, but I think it's a season or two too early for her. She has some pitch issues that I fear will only get exacerbated with the pressure of the live rounds. But since this is the last year, it's not like they could've told her to come back, so I understand why they put her through. She's got some star quality definitely and a lot of artistry to be so young.
Listening to Hamilton (we finished, and Casper said, "Again!") and I realize the guy who sings the Farmer Refuted song is Thayne of SYTYCD, way back!
My favorite kid from the Kids Baking Championship was eliminated. Jane was awesome with her pigtails and sassiness. She could have her own show, she has more personality than some of the food network hosts.
Anyone watching Idol? The duets were for the most part underwhelming. There were some bad song choices but it seemed like everyone who didn't do well in the solo pretty much got cut.
I think the only cut that surprised me was Stephany.
I am always watching Idol! I agree that the duets were a better idea in theory than in practice and that most of the former Idols blew their current contestant partners away, and it seemed to be by design. La'Porsha was the only one that kind of stood toe-to-toe with her former Idol. That said, I didn't really enjoy the rendition of Summertime that she did with Fantasia because it turned into a run festival and I really just wanted to hear Fantasia sing it.
I dearly wish that the young kid who sang Creep and Brenda K. Starr's daughter had not gone through. I don't think either one of them are ready for this jelly, and also that little boy can't sing at all so that's sad. I would've switched Gianna out for Stephany for sure, even though I'm not the hugest fan of Stephany either. She's gorgeous but the voice is just alright. I don't know who I would've subbed in for the little boy whose name I can't remember but who can't really sing because I didn't care for either of the other eliminated boys. Jordan sounded horrid on the parts of I Believe that he even bothered to sing during the moments he wasn't standing gape mouthed in awe of Fantasia, which I probably would've been doing, too, but I'm not competing on American Idol. And even if he could sing, which he can't, I wouldn't be able to root for James VII just for the name alone. So all that to say, I'm sure hoping next week's crop is stronger. Although I am going to have to deal with the Cookie Monster on my TV screen next week and I'm already not looking forward to it.
Cookie Monster?
I would have swapped out the kid who sang Creep for another one of the girls but not sure who. Definitely not Emily (I think that's her name, the one who didn't get through last year) because she didn't do well either nights. I thought Stephany would go through because she did fairly well with her duet with Ruben.
The rest of them I don't really remember... I don't know how popular Brenda K Starr's daughter is going to be when it comes to voting so she may stick around.
Jordan at least cut his hair. It's like they went heavy on sending people through (esp younger contestants) because it's the last year. I'm hoping this week was just the weaker half because honesty I think they could have kept 4 and cut 7 and been fine. But there is always cannon fodder in the mix.
ION I watched the last part of Project Runway All Stars premiere and sweet baby jesus why did they not eliminate both? They'll probably do a double elimination next week anyway. But the one guy , besides picking fabric that isn't easy to tailor and he's never worked with before, didn't follow the challenge and the other that looked like a three year old grabbed her mama's bathing suit and every tutu she owned wore it at once. I didn't see that guy's season of Project Runway but that was just so bad.
Ooh, I haven't watched PR:AS yet, but now I am excited! I haven't seen a good disaster walk the runway in a while.