So does stage vs street just mean it's not one boy and one girl paired up every week? Because, okay, that's good.
I just don't get what the concept is at this point, and if it is explained by the judges I am not going to get it, I suppose.
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
So does stage vs street just mean it's not one boy and one girl paired up every week? Because, okay, that's good.
I just don't get what the concept is at this point, and if it is explained by the judges I am not going to get it, I suppose.
Jaja and Jim, love. So different from what she usually does, really worked for me.
Oh, I want to like Megz, but girl needs to stand straighter, keep her head up, and have more...crisp? purposeful? movements.
I actually really liked the way she carried herself - I know it's not really correct posture, but it looked, I don't know, determined and purposeful and that made it okay to me.
Dug the seesaw routine a lot, although the camera work was not how I would have liked it to be, dammit. Do not like the sleeves (like fake tattoo sleeves?) on some of them.
Team stage had a couple of cool lifts and when they all came together in a mass was nifty, but I'm not sure I really got what that was about.
I do not remember Darian and Lily from earlier, so I guess I am okay with them leaving. Surprised it was two girls in the bottom for Team Street.
FF-ing through all the non-dance parts of the anniversary show made it very enjoyable indeed.
I'm watching on east coast time tonight but missed the first 30 min (because silly central time starts at 7pm). So I missed Megz. Boo.
Yes, yes I can. Though probably not well enough to be on TV.
Sorry, couldn't resist. My RL name doesn't come up that often. Ignore me, nothing to see here.
I was disappointed in Virgil and Jaja's dance. They are both SO good, and the choreo was meh. They gave us all of this BS about Virgil pulling Jaja into this crazy world, but you didn't see that story. They barely interacted. We didn't see the mischievous Virgil except in his face, but not in his dance. Well danced, but they were wasted with that blah choreo.
Dear PR contestants (or really, not so dear), if one of the judges tells you she sees a bitch fest going on, it might just be time to examine your behavior.