Snerk. "That's vunderful. Destroy him."
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
I had to hear it [link]
HOWEVER ... the "African jazz" thing bothers me.
Yeah, it bothers me too.
SYTYCD quote of the night, from Dillo: "Eventually, the shirt is coming off." (As the Asaf/Kate dance began.)
He was not wrong.
I actually really like this opening number…but dear god those 90s inspired costumes are making me feel old.
Jaja/Hailey: Dang, I love jaja but she’s being mad out-danced here. (Not her style, to be fair, but) WTF style is this supposed to be?
Alexa/Neptune: I could not for the life of me remember either of their names, so that’s not good. And…meh. This is not filling me with any love.
JJ/Derrick: And he’s out with injury. Lucky lucky her? Well….not that lucky, she still has to try to do tango. And she’s…not really doing it well.
Jim/Ariana :Bubble bath? Wow, way to sound just as gay as I thought you were, Jim. And I feel like she’s outranking him. She’s doing great.
Even though I totally wouldn’t be twitter voting, I’m still bitter I can’t. Stupid East Coast/Central Time live performance. Boo!
Virgil/Gabby: He IS super short. But Broadway is so rarely my jam.
Jason DeRulo went to college for musical theater? OK, I admit, I am really warming to him.
Asaf/Kate: I find it hard to believe he eats many doughnuts, given his abs. And I feel bad for her with the whole “I don’t feel safe” thing. Because seriously, if she’s already a working dancer, getting injured because he drops you would be awful. Awful just like this number is.
Did the costumers and light people protest? Suddenly Nigel is all “Yay lights! Yay costumes!”
Marissa/Yorelis: I like Marissa, but this was not her thing.
Megz/Edson: Hey, there were a couple moments where he was obviously stronger, but mostly I really liked this, and thought she was great and so was he!
Team Street: I enjoyed this. Sadly thought Jaja was really not bringing it, I’m not sure why. Still loving Megs, and Yorelis had some nice minutes.
Team Stage: I dislike when makeup/costuming makes it almost impossible to pick them out on my tv! (though there was at least one moment I went “yeah, that’s Jim’s toe point”!
Thank god they got rid of Asaf. Wow.
Aside from the dancing, I do pretty much love that they aren't forcing all the boys to butch up, with Jim and his bubble bath and Edson cheerleading.
AND they aren't always prettifying Megs, which I also appreciate.
Edit: Now that I see her styling up close, it is a little frilly, but still.
I liked the opening number, but it may have been that I was feeling nostalgic because of the costumes.
The Stage number was fantastic.
I'm glad that they finally got rid of Asaf.
I loved the Stage number. Definitely one to remember.
I need to set aside some time for catching up on SYTYCD.
Meanwhile, Face Off, always nice when the guy whose model does her own beauty makeup goes home. This show's been on long enough now that I can say, have they not watched?
Project Runway! I am excite. Watching the Road to the Runway right now and so far loving all the designers. I'm sure that won't last.
Edited because "oblong" really did not make sense. Good old autocorrect.
I watched the first episode of Project Runway. I liked both of the top 2 designs. but I can see how ...forgetting name....Haitian designer's singing and talking will get on peoples nerves if she keeps it up. But I was really happy that all her craziness paid off.