I watched the first episode of Project Runway. I liked both of the top 2 designs. but I can see how ...forgetting name....Haitian designer's singing and talking will get on peoples nerves if she keeps it up. But I was really happy that all her craziness paid off.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
I loved her look when it was finished. I can't remember her name either. I can't remember any of their names at this point...she was one of the three that didn't bring anything, right? And I think someone loaned her some left handed scissors? The winning look was really pretty and totally something I would wear (aside from the backlessness, which looks fine but I prefer to wear a bra, thank you). In fact, I put together an outfit out of the same colors as an homage, but my coworker who talks PR with me hadn't watched yet so she couldn't appreciate the reference.
Heidi kinda pissed me off with her "are you excited to be here" and "it scares me that he doesn't see what we see" when whatshisname was essentially taking harsh criticism the way you want someone to take it. And all the designers thought his dress was the shit, so be scared for all of them, Heidi.
I don't know about next week's challenge - making clothes out of paper seems boring.
Yeah, she was really annoying. The singing was not good. But, her outfit was great. And hopefully, she will be able to get someone to Fed Ex her kit to her. Or maybe use a little of her Mood money to get some scissors!
Or maybe use a little of her Mood money to get some scissors!
Yeah, that's what I was thinking, but they haven't been to Mood yet, and it looks like won't this week!
Three contestants didn't bring their own sewing kits? Don't they watch the how? Surely it says somewhere in the papework that the competition doesn't provide a sewing kit.
Although it's like the vegetarian chef who went on Chopped with one knife. She kept spending all of her time runnning back and for to the sink to clean it to prevent contamination.
The other night I realized one reason why Mr Smartass Food Network Star was bugging me. He acted immature and stupid and I was glad when Giada cut him. But he looked so familiar.
Because he was on Cutthroat Kitchen - twice! Once he was eliminated and Antonia was the judge. He insulted her. Then he was on Evilicious Tournament and won that. Actually in his first episode he spent the most money ever on a sabotage and lost that round.
I flipped on to watch and saw he was back and being a jerk and swithced it off until it's on demand and I can fast forward.
In other Reality shows. I'm not watching SYTYCD... I'm just.. not into it or something.
But I have started watching Bring It season 2 via on Demand. I was watching an episode and the dance team was being talked up and they kept losing and I was confused and watched some episodes. I definilty like it better when I can fast forward through the Drama Mama stuff and just watch the dancing.
Oh I finally get where all the hair flinging from certain dancers on SYTYCD comes from.
I have so little interest in who wins Food Network Star next week.
SYTYCD: I loved the opening number, and the two group numbers tonight. Loved having Sonia back, too.
Fish burlesque though?
Opening number -- 100% pure love. (what, someone had to say it). Surprised it was Brian Friedman, I usually don't like his stuff.
A few thoughts:
The Jim/Yorelis Sonja Taiya number was INCREDIBLE. There was this tiny moment where Jim was holder Yorelis' upper body up in this very stiff pose, and she suddenly just . . . deflated.
continue to love Yaya. I think that sometimes hip hop dancers get dinged for not hitting it hard when they are dancing with a stage dancer and they bring it down for their partner. You know that she could have been much harder, but part of dancing with a partner is synchronicity, and when the contemporary dancer can't hit it, they have to dance down to them.
Didn't love the burlesque number. Maybe because Adriana felt so heavy in it. Nigel's dead fish comment was mean, but it wasn't inaccurate.
Love Megz. Done.
Neptune was amazing in that contemporary number. I forgot he was a "street" dancer.
The jazz number with Kate and JJ had no energy. I'm not a fan of that cutesy girl dance style, but I can at least appreciate it if it's done well. This wasn't.