SYTYCD: Not reading whatever Jesse wrote above, but trying to capture my impressions:
I actually kind of enjoyed a lot that opening number. I'm not sure how I feel about the makeup/costuming? Is it appropriate?? Also, covering everyone up like that meant that for many of them I had a hard time telling who it was. Also I kept trying to figure out if Megz was in a dress. :)
Intros: I seriously have no idea who half these people are. Definitely interested to see what happens this week.
(Cat, why are you wearing pink with red? Do not like) i really believe this was a "random" dance style? NOT ONE BIT.
I miss having guest judges. Mostly because that would mean we'd get awesome people occasionally even if we sometimes got awful people.
Darion/Yorelis/Hailee: (salsa) Blucutu--Saamara: Oh that lift. Sad. No idea if they're really getting any footwork at ALL, but Yorelis and Hailey are at least really trying with the face and energy, it seems. He disappeared on stage. (And the judges seem to be with me on this) I'm not shocked he's in danger, because I seriously don't remember what he did last week.
The backstage chat with mentor bit is so useless
Ariana/Derek: (jazz) Cry Me a River--Michael Buble (seriously? This song??) The beginning of this basically looks like bad mime., it just isn't any better. The rehearsal footage looked so much better than this? Awful. I blame a lot of it on the costume crackwhores.
Virgil/Megz/Alexia: (contemporary) Until We Go Down - Ruelle: Oh, I want to like Megz, but girl needs to stand straighter, keep her head up, and have more...crisp? purposeful? movements. Alexia got lucky with her own style. Virgil...harder for him to stand out here, but I guess he was OK. (He remains adorable though)
Lily/Burim/Gaby/Edson; (Bollywood) I feel like the girls were killing it way more than the boys, until the end where Edson stepped it up a bit in energy. Not loving Burim. But honestly it was pretty entertaining.
Kate/Neptune/Asaf (Broadway): All About That Bass - Postmodern Jukebox: Ugh, I really hope Asaf gets kicked off. Kate has lovely legs, but I am not feeling her at all. There were a couple moments when I dug Neptune, but mostly this was very meh for me. OMG why are the judges talking him up?!?!? Also I can't believe how often I agree with Jason Derulo. WTF? AAAAGH, SERIOUSLY ASAF IS SAFE HOW?!?!
Jaja/Jim (hip hop) No Woman No Cry - Bob Marley: I love Jaja, she's amazing. He had some good moments in there. Glad they're both safe.
Marissa/Moises/JJ (jazz) I'm So Sorry - Imagine Dragons: Moises looks about 12 years old. He's a lovely dancer but I just don' is not his thing. This is why 18 year olds are so rarely a good plan on this show. Overall this number was very meh for me. OMG PAULA IS TELLING THEM TO SMIZE!! MY REALITY WORLDS ARE COLLIDING!
I really don't understand the twitter vote thing--only east coast and central? WTF? BOO.
Team Street: Yeah, Jaja in front. And Megz carrying a girl. What what. I like the music.
Team Stage: Puzzled by the costume crack. Roman gladiator rags?
I'm a little disappointed in who went home, but mostly just because it freaking wasn't ASAF. BOO.