So the race doesn't go to pro athletes, but a slow and steady team with smarts, hurrah!
Stuff like this is why this show is my big favorite.
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
So the race doesn't go to pro athletes, but a slow and steady team with smarts, hurrah!
Stuff like this is why this show is my big favorite.
And the tasks in the final leg were really equally likely to trip up different teams, I thought -- the swimming, the stunt man stuff, and the memory task.
I was totally surprised the scientists won! Did they even win a single leg?? Or heck, even come in second? How often has that happened??
And did you see next season's gimmick? Oh dear. I fear TAR is jumping the shark and I will never get to be on it. :(
I'm with ya meara. As much as I love TAR, next season looks watch from the hall bad.
PR: I like the pants Sam was wearing on Runway Day better than anything anyone designed. But the couple's were all really cute talking about their dates, and I am SO GLAD that the judges saved all their "that's awful" comments for when it was just the judges there to hear.
TAR: if the show survived the Family/USA season, it can survive this, too. (Of course, I wish for an all-senior season.)
The Sing Off was on On Demand, so I finally got to see it in its entirety. It was a lot of fun to watch, but I disagree with the judges' final decision.
Finally saw the TAR finale and was delightfully surprised by the winners. Satisfying end to the season. I'm horrified that TAR is turning into Chains of Love. Do not want.
Has anyone been watching The Taste ( man I miss TWOP because I could always drop in and read about random reality shows I was watching).
If anyone is watching I wondered what your thoughts are on the changes in the elimation format and if Nigella should be replaced as a mentor. She doesn't have a good track record - if she picks people others do they people go with someone else and the people she's the only one to pick aren't that strong.
askye, I'm watching. Nigella is an executive producer, so unless she decides to leave as a mentor, I doubt she is going anywhere, but I do feel bad for the terrible way she seems to be treated by the people she picks.