That said, they should not have been surprised Bethany can swim well--duh? She's a surfer??
I know, right? Yes, she only has one arm. But she is also a professional athlete in a water-based sport, so...
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
That said, they should not have been surprised Bethany can swim well--duh? She's a surfer??
I know, right? Yes, she only has one arm. But she is also a professional athlete in a water-based sport, so...
Oh man. I'm sad the cyclists didn't make it. But really--competing against professional surfers on that fast forward? Bad plan. But clearly this episode was the "learn to trust no one" time--between the Dentists just taking the word for it that that was the earliest flight, and the Scientists believing the Wrestlers about the clue...
Also, that tightrope thing would've killed me.
No one else still watching Amazing Race? Stupid Friday night time slot.
I'll be interested to see who wins--I feel like two of the final four are totally teams I would've bet on, and two are...not.
I've been watching, but not live. No one has grabbed my attention other than Bethany and her hubby.
OK, I have just started watching this week's PR so I don't know how the challenge will play out, but I LOVE the idea of the dice. ETA Dang that is a lot of brocades.
And still not even getting to any of the designs - I love the black and white dress Sam wears to Mood. I feel like I ought to love the wacky diagonal suit that Zanna wears to the workroom but I don't really.
I do like the guest judge this week.
TAR: I was rooting for the cyclists, now that they're out I'm on Team Eaten By A Shark. The dentists are very good racers and if they win I won't be *too* upset, but I just don't like them as people.
Survivor: YAY BLINDSIDE. BYE BYE JOHN! I want Nadia to win this thing.
OMG, they are all losing it on TAR.
t posting from a week behind
Camels are a laugh a minute but nobody breaks teams like a (broken) ox.