t posting from a week behind
Camels are a laugh a minute but nobody breaks teams like a (broken) ox.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
t posting from a week behind
Camels are a laugh a minute but nobody breaks teams like a (broken) ox.
That was indeed a finish mat surprise by Phil. The Scientists totally earned a second chance by gutting it through what had to be totally grueling exhaustion and near heat-stroke.
They all have a really long plane ride to recover at least. I'm really looking forward to the finale, because all teams do have a real shot, and will have earned it, even the Wrestlers who can be very obnoxious, but at least they're entertaining while doing it.
They all have a really long plane ride to recover at least.
Yeah, I was wondering if the producers weren't that concerned about heat stroke, muscle fatigue, etc., since it will take so long to get to LA between flight schedules and the actual flight. Because everyone who did that task was hurting. "Borrowing" the dollies was a stroke of genius, though!
I am glad they gave her a chance to recover a bit before hitting her with "you're still racing". Does make me wonder if they will be bunched up on the flight to LA.
I suppose it all depends on how close the teams were to the mat, which you can't really tell from the editing. But the producers do love their bunch points....
I don't think they'll risk another Japan situation on a finale. I expect a bunch up.
Woah, that leg!! That half a leg, I should say. I get the feeling the producers are nostalgic for that season where they made the contestants wrestle alligators and then swim under an iceberg and maybe drive to North Korea. "You guys remember that year we almost killed a bunch of people? Now THAT was good TV!"
Did everyone else know The Sing-Off was going to be on tonight? I don't remember seeing any advertising at all for it. I picked it up halfway through, so I'll have to look for it On Demand.
NO!! I hope it is available on Demand or Hulu or something.
Yep. And it was a one-night only kind of event. Which is really disappointing. I think they started out with 6 groups and over the 2 hours worked their way down to the winners. The only change in judges this time was that Ben wasn't there; Patrick Stump filled in for him.
Pentatonix showed up, and were awesome as always. Last year's winners were there too, and scarf guy has switched to a tie.