I'm watching with Bon Bon and Bob Bob! But we are sad Kat is not here and hasn't posted yet so we can't know what she thinks yet!
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Yeah, Nico didn't quite have the same turn of phrase!
Scattered thoughts at lunch break at work:
I am so glad Twitch got to dance sexy in this routine. One of my ongoing issues with Twitch on the show is how his sexuality is neutered (i.e., last week played for laughs as an old guy) and here I was like, "damn."
WILL! With bonus shirtlessness! I really liked that routine. I like Jessica - I think she is just young. (Ditto, Casey. Both good dancers who need a couple of years experience. Actually, ditto Valerie - if that girl is not a virgin I'll eat my hat. That's why her samba was kinda meh.)
I know Ricky is really good, but Zack is totally my favorite. Hot damn, he's a beast on stage. Also, who the heck is Mackenzie? I have no memory of her at all.
I am sad to lose White Tanisha - she was my favorite girl.
I am sad to lose White Tanisha - she was my favorite girl.
This. I;ve been mulling it over all day, and I think it was her calm demeanor and her Meryl Streep-face. I think the teeny boppers who vote in droves can't handle unconventional looks or maturity.
Last year I;m sure the couple who won - who were really good - because they were both young, small and cute. As opposed the taller, slightly more mature couple that came in second but should have won.
or...I'm completely making this up.
I wonder if app-only voting even draws the voting age lower, but also have no idea.
Sorry, White Tanisha!
Jessica is awfully good, even though I didn't know her name when she first came on. If nothing else, diversity helps me remember who is who! Who's going to forget the Eastern European b-girl? Or the black ballroom boy? Bunch of white contempos.
Bah. I did not even get home from Philly until after midnight on Wednesday so I missed the Family bon, meara, and SYTYCD. I tried to watch yesterday, but I was unfocused. I only got through Valerie's totally lacking in heat Samba. I will watch the rest tonight and have some thoughts, but I already know who goes home and I am not a happy camper. Who is voting for Casey and how can I make that stop? Casey over Rudy? Blah Bridget over White Tanisha? Hell to the naw!
So far I have seen Ricky & Jenna's Travis Wall number (lovely), Zack's solo (great!) and Valerie's samba (oh, honey. She was really trying, bless her heart). Oh, and the opening number which I just found peculiar, really.
Casey always knows exactly where the camera is, doesn't he?
Man, I enjoy the hell out of Comfort.
Liked Tanisha's solo, Jacque's was boring.
More Broadway I like, yay!