Globetrotters are awesome, but prone to mistakes. Cowboys are as you see them - smart, low drama, tend to go their own way. Which can backfire. Deaf kid is or was kind of an asshole sometimes, but they're all right for the most part.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
I hate the You Tubers and "Brenchel" or whoever. Also not excited about the country singers, or the stupid surfer and his GF.
Any of these can go home at any time. And likely will, though Rachel and Brendon are pretty tough competitors, most of the time.
Yeah, sadly for all that they're horribly annoying, Rachel and Brendon do pretty well.
Thoughts during:
So wait, some took a cab and some took metro? Was that an option? I kept expecting teams to be told "you took a cab, timeout!" Also, somehow Afghanimals and the Twinnies working and failing together is so perfect and so wrong.
That bubble thing would scare the shit out of me.
I love that Phil signed "team number 4". Aww.
OK, I'm perfectly fine with Twinnies being first eliminated.
somehow Afghanimals and the Twinnies working and failing together is so perfect and so wrong.
Poor Twinnies - this is exactly how they got eliminated their first time out, but I was surprised they fell apart that badly in ep 1!!
Against my will, I kind of admire Brendan and Rachel for making a living at reality TV for so many years.
He's also doing or has a PhD in like molecular physics or something.
Against my will, I kind of admire Brendan and Rachel for making a living at reality TV for so many years.
Even though I find especially her extremely annoying, I couldn't help but notice last night that when they announced that one of the Kentucky team wouldn't be racing, she immediately broke the line and went over to the other other Kentucky player, which seemed like a really decent thing to do.
she immediately broke the line and went over to the other other Kentucky player,
They were the same season, right? So they've raced together before/spent time together? (I seem to recall her wailing about not wanting to shave her head for a fast forward because she spent money on extensions, vs. them being like "heck yeah, shave our heads!"). I'm very sad about Kentucky, because I really liked those guys. But I suppose it would've been worse to have them get one or two legs in and fall apart for health reasons.
Honestly, I think that Mallory might be a great partner for Mark, if they can get to know each other ASAP. I mean, she's so young and enthusiastic.
So freaking glad to see the twinnies go. Buh-bye. Yes, you two were hot messes from the get go.
I was hoping the Chipendales would be part of the All-Stars.
Loved the bubbles and backflips. Way to hit the height issues right off and yet no one freaked out. Probably because they have been through it and know that flipping out over something scary only puts you further back.
I hope Kentucky 2.0 does well and that Bopper (he was the one with the inflamed pancreas, right) gets better soon. My ex had pancreas issues and he was in tons of pain.