This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Caught the first few episodes. The first challenge combined the over-elaborateness of BB with the disregard for safety of Survivor and resulted in two people being pulled for injuries (one came back). Of note, those injuries were not related to the electric cattle prods the teams were outfitted with for the challenge.
But it's not bad. No one completely odious, which is always a plus.
One question - is Frank related to BB Jesse, the body-building tool? They look a lot alike. Frank after the first couple of episodes seems to be considerable less toolish.
not sure where you are, but have you gotten to the alliance part yet?
How much did I love the orc foundation Challenge? Not quite as much as that mass zombie challenge from a couple seasons ago which still wins on sheer volume, but a lot.
Aw, I will miss Matt and his glorious hair. I think I might have sent home someone from the chupacabra team, myself. That winning makeup was extra awesome for being put together from elements that could have gone horribly wrong.
The chupacabra team was bad. Though I get why they picked Matt. Also, the winning makeup was lucky they had a model who could move and make that come alive.
Amazing Race All Stars starts tonight, I think! I'll need some help on backstory for some of the teams, since I've only been watching for two years!
Ooh, thanks for the head's up!
CBS seems to have finally realized that adjusting the titles each season was bringing down their Tivo numbers - my season pass picked tonight's ep right up.
Oh, good--I will still double-check, but it had been on my mind to do so and I'd forgotten until I saw your post!
There hasn't been TAR since I moved, so I've had a lot of DVR rebuilding to do.
Just getting started and seeing who the teams are on TAR--OMG I cannot WAIT for some people to get eliminated. But
NOOOOOOOO, not Bopper and Mark out before it starts!!!!! I do not know who this chick is.
I hate the You Tubers and "Brenchel" or whoever. Also not excited about the country singers, or the stupid surfer and his GF.
I'm a little surprised/annoyed at how many of the teams are from super recent seasons? I guess it makes sense both practically (the farther ago it was the less likely they are to still be together/willing to both do it/etc) but also ratings-wise (less history to go back to).
People I don't know and would like some backstory on: Globetrotters, mom and Deaf son, cowboys?