On my way to INg restaurant for some birthday molecular gastronomy. (Sunil, if you read this thread, same chef as Moto. )
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Sous chefs from Moto were on TC last year, so kind of on topic.
I've been ready for him to go since he unabashedly copped to his Asian men fetish in episode one.
Oh my God, that was so gross. If he had said, "my boyfriend is Vietnamese so I had a reasonable amount of exposure to Vietnamese cuisine," that would be perfectly fine. But the whole "I only date Asian men" thing just skeeved me out like whoa. Yellow fever is icky whether the recipient is women or men, yo. And the way he tried to position himself as this brilliant expert in all things Vietnamese, like dude, you are some pasty white dude who traveled to the country once. Don't call it "my food" and try to take fucking ownership. It was like an one-man cultural appropriation theater. (CUT HIM QUICK, PADMA.)
I've been ready for him to go since he unabashedly copped to his Asian men fetish in episode one.
oh yes. YES.
PR:All-stars, wow, really QVC centric! Huh. Fun to see some of these designers again, though.
The Voice: I would say that Adam just picked his battle pairings by looking at pictures, but the people were also well-matched!
Vanilla Ice Goes Amish is kind of fun and sweet. Also, the Amish on the show appear to be real Amish, not the fake ones on various 'reality' shows. How weird is it that the guy who is the epitome of Novelty White Rapper is doing the best presentation of Amish culture?
Oh, man. Not loving this season of TAR, all my favorite teams keep going home! boo!
Yeah, a definite boo! Switching tasks was a sad mistake for them.
Gdansk was lovely, though. And packzis!
Boo is right!
I feel sad for the OK boy who felt "humiliated" by wearing a dress.