Well, I'll be damned. It's the "High School Musical" effect.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
agreed, kat. i never really got why everyone loved Sabra. she's cute and she picked things up easily enough, but she never really sold me on any of her routines. *shrug*
Oh, here's a question: the dances were pre-recorded, right? Because that would be rough, telling Lacey and Neil they lost and then making them dance. Rough, but totally show-biz, I guess.
OMG! How can you people talk so much about dancing!
Y'all are cracking me up.
I'm happy. Sabra's my girl. I've been voting her all season long and Danny, too, the past few weeks. I couldn't decide who I really wanted to win, but I didn't want Lacey or Neil to win. I just really wanted to see a female win.
Well then, this post is for you, Sean!
I thought they sold Sabra well all season -- I think she also surprised them with her staying power -- and I'm okay with her winning because I do think she holds her own as a performer.
As a dancer, Danny wuz robbed. He's been my absolute favorite to watch all season.
Oh, here's a question: the dances were pre-recorded, right?
I thought I read somewhere that it was live tonight? But I could totally be making that up.
I wonder what the real order of finish was, because I don't think Sabra and Danny were 1/2. I'm betting it was Sabra/Neil/Lacey/Danny.
Oh yeah, and I am totally sticking my tongue out at Sean. While wriggling around in a tuna net covered in green paint. To a Tom Waits song.
What Sparky said. I love to watch Danny dance, he's so elegant. But I think Sabra was a better actor and that's what drew people to her.
ETA: the end credits said that portions of the show had been pre-recorded.
At some point, I decided it was a good thing that half the time I couldn't recognize Sabra in the group numbers. She's a total chameleon.
Well the fucking gib gab dance was definitely pre-recorded (and all the season footage), but if I had to guess, it might be that the group dance to the Imogen Heap song was pre-recorded, but I could be wrong about that. It just looked like the same camera angles and everything, not the kind of replication I noticed with other dances.