Ok, Danny and Sara have all of my love tonight. And Shane rocked the old skool hip hop routine. And the costumes were perfect. Sideways Kangol, puffy spray paint letters, baggy CrossColours jeans. Maybe if they had a judge on the panel who knew even the teensiest little bit about hip hop, they would've gotten a fair critique. And it could not have been farther away from their tango (which was good, but I thought a little sloppy in places). Sara is still a very heavy dancer for me, but she's grown tremendously. (Agreeing with the Hairspray dink. Soo annoying). Anyway, loved me some them.
I thought Pasha and Sabra were ten flavors of cute tonight. Again agreed with Nigel (say wha?) that Sabra had a little trouble in the Quickstep. But Pasha is a rock star as a partner and he totally carried her through like a champ. I really do love Sabra, though. Have to keep reminding myself that she's been dancing for four years. FOUR YEARS. So unfair.
Did not enjoy Neil and Lacey. Neither routine did it for me. The latin jazz (and what is that again) was neither latin enough nor jazzy enough for me. And someone over on TWOP labeled Neil a hunchback and it is perfect. God that posture, all slumped over. It bugs to no end. Thought Lacey was yards better than him in this, but both of them were extremely lacking. And I hated the Mia routine. Pure hate. Where was the dance in that dance? They walked around the stage, picked up some flowers and threw them at each other. A couple tour jetes, a couple chesnais turns and a whole lotta running. Yuck.
Last and very much least were Dom and Lauren. She is just a big black hole of suck. I thought Dom was hitting the krump as it had been choreographed. It wasn't the frantic, kinda fast-paced krumping from something like Rize. It had a very smooth edge with certain moves hit hard, which Dom achieved. Lauren looked like she was having a seizure. And the partnering bit in the middle was ridiculous. And no, Nigel, Lauren didn't cover brilliantly. She almost fell on her ass . . . and it showed. As for the rumba . . . to quote my friend Hung, "My monkey could do that." I would like a little more dance in my dance, thank you. And the little bit of dancing they did do, looked like both of their legs were gonna snap off.
Personal bottom four is easily Dom, Lauren, Lacey and Neil. The real bottom four will be Dom, Lauren, Danny, Sara, I think. Danny better not go home. That's all I know.