Mal: Zoe, why do I have a wife? Jayne: You got a wife? All I got is that dumbass stick sounds like its raining. How come you got a wife?

'Our Mrs. Reynolds'

Natter 52: Playing with a full deck?  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

vw bug - Jul 25, 2007 3:17:34 am PDT #9971 of 10001
Mostly lurking...

And is it Kat's bday, too?

I think hers is tomorrow.

Thanks guys!

Sue - Jul 25, 2007 3:21:29 am PDT #9972 of 10001
hip deep in pie

Happy Birthday VW!!!

Nilly - Jul 25, 2007 3:22:59 am PDT #9973 of 10001

And is it Kat's bday, too?

Tomorrow. Which is timezoned to start soon in Australia, I guess, so it's not like you're off by much..

Theodosia - Jul 25, 2007 3:30:02 am PDT #9974 of 10001
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

Nilly, the job search is slowly proceeding -- I'm sending out resumes, handing out networking business cards and keeping my spirits up as best I can. I've registered for Unemployment benefits now, though it could take three weeks to go through the bureaucracy, and my severance doesn't run out until halfway through August. So the money angle is sufficiently covered.

(I realized last week that I will have "made" more from severance than from regular pay this year, which is freaky. But also, I'm owed something for ten years worth of loyal service, dammit! So my conscience is salved at least a little.)

Honestly, it turns out that I'm well-equipped for a life o' leisure, with lots of toys and hobbies and things to learn, so it will be a shame to have to return to the working world. On the other hand, I like money....

Sue - Jul 25, 2007 3:31:58 am PDT #9975 of 10001
hip deep in pie

Overheard on my way to work this morning:

Daughter: Eeew! Monkeys need diapers?!
Dad: Yes they do.

Hil R. - Jul 25, 2007 3:32:12 am PDT #9976 of 10001
Sometimes I think I might just move up to Vermont, open a bookstore or a vegan restaurant. Adam Schlesinger, z''l

Happy Birthday, vw!

Nilly - Jul 25, 2007 3:41:33 am PDT #9977 of 10001

the money angle is sufficiently covered.

That's good to read (oh, and definitely don't feel bad about it! I mean, it's not like you're not looking, right? Even with the hobbies and the advantages of life-of-leisure, so why not?). Either way, good luck! And it's also good to read that you enjoy the forced time-off.

Haiku to finish Natter, but mostly to share the agony that I can't stop trying to solve for almost two months now, and failing:

Small size, falls from heels.
Finding shoes is oh, so hard.
Barefoot in wedding?

Kat - Jul 25, 2007 3:45:12 am PDT #9978 of 10001
"I keep to a strict diet of ill-advised enthusiasm and heartfelt regret." Leigh Bardugo

Happy birthday, vw! (mine is indeed tomorrow)

Thanks for the thoughts, y'all. I'd say I'm feeling cheerier today, but that would be a lie because I am gearing up to spending half a day at doc oc's office.

Kat - Jul 25, 2007 3:49:20 am PDT #9979 of 10001
"I keep to a strict diet of ill-advised enthusiasm and heartfelt regret." Leigh Bardugo

Poor Nilly!

I say go barefoot.

Aims - Jul 25, 2007 3:54:17 am PDT #9980 of 10001
Shit's all sorts of different now.

Ok, I know we really really want to buy a house, but damn I want to rent this: [link]